fish bite or parasite?


On my mandarin there is a what started to be a white bump then turned into a large white dent...i have noticed lymphocyctis on its fins and such...but could that make a "hole?"
Im sorry i dont have a picture and nothing in the pics section looked like it except for the lymphocyctis on the fins.
Could it be a bite? - what do i do if it is?
Could it be something else? - What steps if the freshwater dip didnt help?


Staff member
It sounds like you may have some issues in your aquarium. What are your water readings, and how do you have your tank set up? Live rock, size, etc?


i just did a test of everything in the tank and here are the results:
Ammonia NH3/NH+4 = 0
Ph = 8.25
Nitrate NO-2 = 0
Nitrate NO-3 = 5.5
The size of my tank is a 30gl
I have live rock and sand w/ CC.
I dont know what you mean by "how" my tank is set up.


What other fish do you have? How old is this system, how much live rock do you have and how long have you had the rock. How long have you had the mandarine? Do you have a fuge? I can tell you now that a 30 gallon tank is not going to hold enough rock to produce enough pods to keep this fish healthy.


I have a ton of live rock and my mandrian has pleantly of pods to eat...he is actually gotten a little on the tubby side... tank has been set up for a good year now...i have two clowns and a tiny puffer of some kind...its green and spotted (was like 5 bucks at my LFS)
I dont have a fuge.


Originally Posted by gBellx
I have a ton of live rock and my mandrian has pleantly of pods to eat...he is actually gotten a little on the tubby side... tank has been set up for a good year now...i have two clowns and a tiny puffer of some kind...its green and spotted (was like 5 bucks at my LFS)
I dont have a fuge.
How long have you had the mandarine. I certainly don't mean to burst your bubble, but a 30 gallon system cannot hold the 100+lbs of LR that a mandarine will need to realy thive. Your mandarine may be eating good now, but he will eat the pods quicker than they can multiply. I just want you to be aware of that. You can buy pods though. As for the mark on him, did the puffer bite him? I don't think you said how long you have had the mandarine in relation to when the marks appeared.


he had the "bite/mark" before the puffer....
thanks for the advice about the rock and such.
i have had the madarain for about 8 months


Originally Posted by gBellx
he had the "bite/mark" before the puffer....
thanks for the advice about the rock and such.
i have had the madarain for about 8 months
I am glad he is doing so well for you with the exception of the mark.Tell me what was going on in the tank when you first noticed this mark. What other fish did you have?


Active Member
Definitely do not do a freshwater dip on the mandarin. This could kill the fish by wiping off its very heavy slime coat.
I would also have thought it was the puffer. How long has this been the way it is?


it started about 1 month ago like a small whiter bump...then i went away but there was still a it looks like its a big bite or "hole"
the puffer i got like a week ago...this has been an issue with him before...
lymphocystis is what he has also....ive read there is no cure but time and my understanding is you have to cut it off with a razor blade???!? :scared: