fish bite!


I was doing some routine maintenance tonight and while my hand was in the tank my clarkii clown shot out of my RBTA like a bullet- bit my palm and then went back into the anemone! never happened before... man was he pissed!
anyone have this happen before? little bugger has quite a bite!


Originally Posted by sawsman
I was doing some routine maintenance tonight and while my hand was in the tank my clarkii clown shot out of my RBTA like a bullet- bit my palm and then went back into the anemone! never happened before... man was he pissed!
anyone have this happen before? little bugger has quite a bite!

mine is perc and she do the same when i try to clean my glass where she like to hangout


They must get more territorial with age I guess. I've had this fish for over two years and its never did this before.


Active Member
Got a Flametail Blenny that likes to bite.
Also got a really mean hitchiker crab now in my refugium. He'd rip my hand off if I let him.


I've been bitten by a tomato clown... i put my hand in and was watching out for the lionfish,triggerfish, pufferfish, dottyback then WHAM tomato clown... i swear he's working undercover for the other fish...


Active Member
my moroon will take a nip at me when im rearranging corals or loive rock. he feels kinda threatened i guess. The first time it happened it scared the CRIZZAP out ofme!! I was watching the coral banded shrimp who was pretty close to my had,i look away for a sec and WHAM"!!! The thought the CBS had taken a pinch and probably a piece of my flesh too. so i was actualy happy i just got bit by my clown. sure, a CBS doesnt compare to a trigg like mentioned above, but hes got some sharp little pinchers!


Active Member
My 2 most aggressive fish would cause a required trip to the ER if they bit me. lol Be thankful it's just Clowns biting you.


Active Member
tg my maroons are not agressive they dont care what I do around them but niger trigger and lunar wrasse pack some teeth my lulear wrasse bites so hard he accually took a chunk out of my fingernail


Active Member
Have not had any come after me in my tanks, buty my koi like to try and give my legs hickies when I get in the koi pond, does that count? If not, how about 7 stitches from a large trigger fish that bit me when I was trying to undo a hook after my son caught it while fishing, or 4 stitches from a flounder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sawsman
so far there's more clownfish incidents vs other fish. interesting :notsure:
clown owners beware!

haha..... you seem puzzled. and i think that is the exact reason why clowns bite people more. not only can they become territorial once they find their spot, but most people get bit while keeping an eye on their trigger or lion or snowflake or something else. they never suspect a thing.


not really puzzled, just surprised. you're right though these fish eventually find "their spot" and we dont expect them to act they way they do sometimes. I had to laugh though! I'll tell you what, I'll watch him a little closer now....... and then maybe my royal gramma will bite me huh?
-sawsman :hilarious


Active Member
i had a niger trigger that would nip at me, a couple years later it would let you pet it...strangest fish i ever owned...never been bitten by a clown though


My female maroon was absolutely great..Until she took to her anenome..Now whenever I feed them she is taking a bite out of me..The male has never messed with me at all..Funny thing is she won't bother me when I am putting in corals, rearranging or cleaning..just when I go to feed them...
Never been bitten by my Maroon clown but had a snowflake eel that used to bite, funniest thing I ever saw was my cat "Calli "dangling her paw in the tank and "Claudius" the eel taking a nip at her - Never seen anything jump that high or run that fast


My perc. clown attacks me constanly whem I'm working in tank. Bites don't hurt, but scare the hell out of me. A couple of weeks ago I was scrubbing sponge growth off of LR & looking in from top of water. The devil topped water wanting to bite my face off.
:mad: He was pissed!!! I leaned my face in again to see if he'd do it again & he did. :mad:


I had an orange toadfish that would come up from under rockwork and not only bite but latch on to my fingers. I don't see many of them for sale and rarely, if ever come across people keeping them but they've got HUGE mouths and appetites equally as big. It was about 8" long and had a mouth probably 2" wide, it would get a mouthful of about 1 1/2 or 2 knuckles deep! Scared the bejesus out of me! Did some research once and found out that they sometimes remove toes from unknowing humans venturing too close in the wild!
Loved the fish all the same though :)My orange toadfish

michelle l

I once had a Perc clown that attacked me while I was cleaning. He (she) bit me so hard on the soft spot next to my index finger that it left a tiny little half-moon shaped mark that was there for a day or two!!