fish bite!



maybe most of the "biting incidents" here are from clownfish because they're the most common fish in the industry?
I have a b&w heniochus, and whenever i put my arm in the tank for any kind of maintenance, he'll come over and bite the little air bubbles off my arms, where my hair is... it's the cutest darned thing ever!!! My shrimp also jumps on me and cleans me... sometimes those little pinchers hit just the right place, and it makes me jump...


For me it's one of my yellow tail damsels. That thing is nutts. It goes after everything in the tank. It bites at my cleaner shrimps tail and antenae. Then I noticed just the other day the my smaller damsel is missing a chunk out of the top of it's tail. That nuttbar also attacked the thermometer while it was floating by. Never mind the twice that it has come after me. If it bites me again, I'm going to bite it back


Active Member
This makes me think of dog bites at work. Everyone's so worried about Pit Bulls, but the majority of dogs we get here for biting people are Shepherd mixes. Ol' Rin Tin Tin.
In my freshwater cichlid tank I had a Jack Dempsey and an Oscar that would nibble on my fingers, especially after handling worms.


Active Member
Clowns look sweet but they are actually quite aggressive for community fish. It is very common for mature females to jump ship trying to bite the hand that feeds them. If they didn't draw blood it was just a warm up. :scared:


This clown rules the tank! She is the oldest inhabitant of my tank and so she thinks she's the queen, I'll just let her believe that but if she bites me again she'll be part of my tackle when I go salmon fishing in Alaska this coming spring! HA HA that'll teach her.


Gee, so much for that cute and docile guy in the finding Nemo movie huh? I used to have a tomato that I had for about 6 years before he died. He used to latch on to my hand when i was working in there. Got used to it though. We would have a litlle game of it. I would flick him away with my forefinger and back he would come. it was pretty entertaining and funny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
This makes me think of dog bites at work. Everyone's so worried about Pit Bulls, but the majority of dogs we get here for biting people are Shepherd mixes. Ol' Rin Tin Tin.
In my freshwater cichlid tank I had a Jack Dempsey and an Oscar that would nibble on my fingers, especially after handling worms.
THANK YOU!!!! I know this is off topic but I own a pit bull and she is the friendliest dog I have EVER met, and I volunteer at the local humane society. I have actually found that most golden retrievers are VERY aggressive when they come to the pound. But, I guess its all about how you train them.


every time i put my hand in the tank to do anything my yellow tail damsel repeatedly attacks me but ive just got used to it now that i dont bother about it so much but it doesnt go after ther other fish or my wifes hand so ive come to the conclusion that it just doesnt like me it even the only other thing it attacks is my net when im trying to get any excess food out.


Active Member
Space Geek- I hear ya. Everyone thinks Goldens are like Labs in temperment but they are not. Of coarse they are a wonderful breed, but much more aggressive 'generally' then a Labrador Retriever, especially with other dogs.
Reading about all of these crazy clons makes me laugh. Mine has never bitten but she will ram my hand when I cleaning the glass or dropping in some food. I have found my Ocellaris clowns to be quite laid back compaired to the Allardi. Anyone else have the same experience? I think the Ocellaris may be 'the nice guys' of the clown world. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
THANK YOU!!!! I know this is off topic but I own a pit bull and she is the friendliest dog I have EVER met, and I volunteer at the local humane society. I have actually found that most golden retrievers are VERY aggressive when they come to the pound. But, I guess its all about how you train them.
Wow, this shocks me!!! We have a golden who is the best dog ever, along with every golden I have ever met. My cousin's uncle breeds them and have never seen an aggressive one, ever. Like you said, I'm sure alot has to do with the handling. We always joke that if a thief broke into our house, that Belle (our golden) would go up and lick their hand, lay down at their feet and wait to be pet before following them through the house showing them where the good stuff is.

As for the fish, our dwarf lion has gotten me a few times. I hand feed him at the surface of the water so anytime my fingers are at the surface of the water, he assumes I'm food. My cleaner shrimp must also think I have ick, 'cause he cleans my fingers all the time during feeding time as does my 2 fire shrimp. I actually hand feed them as well. As for our clown fish, none of our 3 false percs have come after me, but I'll keep an eye out now.


Anybody ever get bit or stung by a lionfish or stonefish? How does it feel? I am told it feels like a bee sting but I havent gotten bit by a bee so curious what it feels like.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seahorse11
Anybody ever get bit or stung by a lionfish or stonefish? How does it feel? I am told it feels like a bee sting but I havent gotten bit by a bee so curious what it feels like.
never have but i do know that the venom is much worse. I know some stone fish are the most poisonish fish in the ocean.


depends on what kind of lionfish. The dwarf lionfish is more like a bee sting, whereas a volitan could kill you. My hubby's uncle got stung by a volitan in his hand, just brushed by him. He said it's the most pain he's ever been in, in his life (and you should see his face, he's got scars everywhere). His hand still gets stiff and painful in the winter time.
As for goldens, i have had goldens all my life, and i've never encountered a mean one. But i'll be most of the dogs you get at the shelter are pretty aggressive or scared, as most of these dogs have been treated very poorly. My golden is just like rberhow's. She'll run to the door and lick the crap out of whoever walked in... most likely pee all over the floor cause she's so friggin excited
and then follow you around the house, run over and get her toy... she's so cute!!!
And yes, my oscellaris wouldn't even come near my hand. I agree, these guys are the laid back type of clown. Mine's so scared, he even hides when i come near the tank... until he realizes it's me, then he comes running out "where's the food? where's the food?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by seahorse11
Anybody ever get bit or stung by a lionfish or stonefish? How does it feel? I am told it feels like a bee sting but I havent gotten bit by a bee so curious what it feels like.

I've been stung by one as small as a 1.5" Fuzzy and also by my 15" Volitan. As jdragunas said...the smaller species are more like a bee sting, but a run in with a Volitan, especially an adult, is not something to take lightly.
They can kill, but it's almost unheard of. The only way you could die from a Volitan sting is on the offchance that you're allergic to that particular type of venom. It's probably 1 in 1,000,000 that you'd die from a Volitan sting.
It DOESN'T feel good, however. lol My arm, up to my elbow was swollen from a sting to the palm of my hand. Intense, shooting pain accompanied by swelling, redness and itchiness.


My friend has a puffer that is probably 10" long and never had an issues with it until one day it had been goofing around and knocked the veggie clip off the glass. So with the puffer always paying him no mind he went in to get it and WAM it took a fairly large chunk of skin off the top of his hand. So at any time just like any other animal fish can get mad too. After all when you stick your hand in their tank and go to their space you are breaking and entering. My hippo would not come out to eat for 10 days so that he could make sure everyone knew this one hole was his.