fish cant feel pain, scientist conclude

sea goblin

I dont want to start getting into religion with this idea. People have differant views on everything. I believe science, and this is MY opinion. Faith and science are often against each other. I dont think of the good book as scientific fact, but i will not say you are stupid for believing in it. My views, my opinions. And I love America for allowing people to have these kinds of conversation in the first place. :)
Sea Goblin


i dont know which side to believe here, but i do know that a dog could smell 10x what a human can, cause of there developed sense of smell. a cat can see way better then humans. this being the case, it could easily be understandable that some animals develop better senses, or in a fishes case, no sense, depending on the animal.

tahoe ocean

I think it all depends on how you want to define pain.
IMO: pain is an unpleasant sensation varied in degrees of severity. This, I believe fish can feel. Heck with this definition, I think most organisms can feel pain. But most people seem to add an element of emotion to the sense of pain.
there must be a very good explanation for this but I do believe they have some sort of pain. Has anyone here heard the sound of a live lobster being boiled? I think that is animal abuse!