Fish combinations


Can you put 3 stripe damsels with gobies in the same tank? how about 3 stripe with nudibraches? Why is keeping nudibraches hard? any tips?


i'm not too sure about your nudibranchs questions but i could provide some insights to the damsel-goby situaion. I have a 33 g with a few damsels and i recently added a blenny (simiuliar enough to a blenny) and the damsels gave him a bit of a hardtime for the first minute after i placed the blenny into teh tank. But now t5hey leave him alone as he is usually crawling around teh rocks. Provided you have enough room in your tank for the gobies to "get away" from teh damsels I would think they would be ok. good luck!!


the problem with most nudibranches are they starve in captivity due to highly specific food needs for each type of nudibranch. the sea hare type is easier to feed as it will consume macroalgae which can be grown in a well lite tank or sump. aggression is always a factor between many marine fish, so give them as large a tank as possible with many rocks and caves to retreat in when threatened. After territories are eventually settled things often calm down until the next new fish is added. Always cut off the room & tank lights for several hours after releasing a new fish into a community tank and make sure everybody stays well feed the ensuing 4-7 days. just some tips that may help! Good luck


thanks for the information but do you know any helpful comments about the blue velvet and purple nudibranches


I have damsels, a clown goby, and a scooter blennie and my damsels totally ignore them, even when the goby and blennie are swimming around a lot. The damsels never even bothered them the first day I added them. But I might have just gotten lucky, I don't know.
Purple Nudibranches are difficult to keep because they eat one specific type of algae and once that is depleated they will starve. I read somewhere that the blue velvet is even harder to care for, had something to do with the head shield but I can't remember what it was or where I read it.
I have had good luck with Berghia Verrucicornis (Aiptasia Eating Nudibranch). He was hiding in my live rock when I bought it 2 months ago and I just found him about a week ago.
So obviouly he didn't need any special care.
And they eat Aiptasia that's a plus. And Aiptaisa is something I can go buy at the pet store if I am running low (which I just had to do). So you wouldn't have to worry about starvation.