Fish Combo


I will be adding fish to my tank, hopefully, this weekend and want to know if what I want is okay in an 80 gallon:
Bursa Trigger
Ocean Trigger
Humu Humu
Undulated Trigger
Rectqangular Trigger
Grouper (not sure what type yet)
How much LR do I need to have to make it a safe tank and should I add it at the same time I add the fish.


is the rock already cured or are you ordering it? If it's not cured it will cycle your tank again.
As for the fish do mean which one or all in the tank?


I will be ordering everything from this site and the rock will be cured. I know that I want trigger and grouper and am trying to find out how many, which ones, and what size for an 80 gallon. I want to get the fish all at once. What else should/could I put in there?


Are you ordering the rock from here too? If so you will have die-off and will cause a bit of a cycle.
As for the fish all those triggers in one tank seems like a problem (getting along and overstocked). As for groupers I don't think any grouper can be kept long term in anything smaller than a 100g, but can be till it grows up.


Thanks for the info on the grouper...don't want to have to get rid of anything I become attached to. So what do you recommend on the LR? What about other stuff in the tank. I don't want just fish and the LFS have rock but for some reason I don't trust them.


well for LR 1-2lbs per gallon is usually what ppl recommend. You can add it all at once but you will cycle, or you can take like a rubbermaid trash can or tote bin to cure the rock before you add to the tank.


If you get it shipped from anywhere you will have die-off. If you get a piece from lfs and bring home you could put it right in if it's cured.


Maybe I will check out what the the LFS has and just have the fish shipped. There is no guarantee on what I get unless I buy it online.