Fish Combo


How does this sound in my 75G. I have a 30G sump/fuge as well, and all the regular gear.
Currently have:
1. 2 False Percs (not very big..2-3")
2. 1 Coral Beauty (3")
3. 1 Midas Blenny
also have cleaner and coral banded shripms
2 Yellow headed jaw fish (was told they will live in a community like setting) :joy:
1 Green Clown Goby (aka Coral goby and are very small)
1 Yellow Clown Goby (again very small)
1 Purple Fire fish
1 Lyretail Hawkfish (supposed to be very docile and reef safe)
Eventually a Mandarin as well, but not for another 6 months. :jumping:
Don't just read the post, give me some imput!! it takes 2 min to let me know what you think!!!!!!!!!


If you get the hawkfish you run the risk of losing your shrimp. The only other thing I see is make sure your sand bed is what ever the depth is for the jawfish (I want to say they need a deep sand bed but don't quote me on that).


i think that sound like very fine list but you need a 4-5 inch deep sand bed for a yellow headed jawfish


I've had one before but he got sick a few month back. (jawfish) My sand bed is about 4" deep so should be good. With the hawkfish, that one is supposed to be very unaggressive I think, but I oculd be wrong! anyone know??