fish community?


can anyone recommend a good variety of fish i can have for color and size in a 100g aquarium can i put a golden butterfly with a powder blue tang? and how bout a majestic angel? or are these all too big to put in that tank together thanks:thinking:


Active Member
If its a fish only tank, you can get a lot of diferent fish, theres a great looking trigger out there......i just cant remember the name, so look the triggers up on the swf site. if your going to have corals, be carefull what you put in there. todd


fish only with some live rock and yes i saw a humma humma trigger on a site that is awesome looking and it says that its actually trainable and has personality. one i really want is the golden butterfly its just beautiful! i have jotted down a few that i like i just hope they can live together happily..hey what do you know about a cleaner crew? do i need one and if so are crabs ok? i hear a lot about crabs not all good.


I don't know much about the fish you want...well, nothing actually ::Grin::
However, even for a fish only tank, you need a clean up crew. I'd get some nassairu, certh, astrea and turbo snails. Also some red or scarlet hermit crabs.