fish compatability? looking for critisiam I like many oppinions!!! lol


Ok... I know everyone has different oppinions and ideas on how your tank should be! so I was wondering if there were any body that objects to the different fish I have in my tank! i was once told that you could put "almost" anything with anything depending on the order there introduced to the tank!
-2 "nemo's"
-1 sailfin tang
-1 strawberry crab
-3 feather dusters
-1 choc chip star
-1 snail "unknown" I bought if from ***** they said it was a TurboSnail from the Gulf well it doesn't look anything like them its small and white but anyway thats not my question, my question is. is there any incompatability?
Oh! I put the snail in about a wk ago! woo! it is totally working its lil snail butt off! lol... it has nearly eaten all the algea off of one rock and is keeping the algea growth down..... tottally awesome lil snail!


Active Member
The star will eat the inverts if it can catch them, and as long as you have a 150+ gallon tank (the sailfin needs that) it looks fine, but who told you that you could put anything in as long as its added in the right order?? b/c thats wrong


sorry! I had already written a reply once already.... so because i don't want to write the whole thing again here's the jist!:
she said to start w/ yer lesser aggressive and go to the more aggressive fish last but to put in a lesser aggressive fish later to add more of them and they have a more fighting chance! sorry I don't think I screwed it up by shortening it but thats the jist I couldn't even think of repeting what she said... w/ all these scientific names and stuff cause she confused me! but she broke it down to where I could understand and thats my breakdown of that I guess so... yeah


OH! the choc chip is lazy he isn't gonna catch no body! lol... he stay at the top of the aqurium near the flow of the outlet
135g fish only look I'm broke I can't afford much so it's FO well inverts but LR is expensive and I may only have about 40 lbs but before all those fish were there it was only 2 clowns and the live rock for about 6 months well if started cycling the beginning of May 06 so...