Fish Compatability Question


I am going to switch my 55 gallon fish only tank over to a FOWLR tank and add some fish. I am going to put about 50 pounds of live rock. I would like to know if you think these fish will get along with each other or not.
*1 snowfalke eel
*1 yellow tang
*1 chocolate chip starfish
*1 sailfin blenny
*1 kole yellow eye tang or 1 convict tang


Active Member
Nope. The eel will eat small fish and the tangs need more than a 55. Triggers are like pit bulls, sometimes they are ok, sometimes not. At any rate, that would be way too many fish for your tank.


Active Member
I don't see any mention of a trigger at all?
Anyway, a snowflake eel would be fine, and one yellow eyed kole tang will be fine in your tank I personally wouldn't put any other tang or any other type of tang in a 55. Blenny should be fine as long as it is big enough, any small fish "could" be lunch for the eel, but snowflakes are pretty small at first.
Starfish should be fine also, be sure to spot feed it.
What about one of the smaller toby puffers?


snowflake yes with conditions if tank mates, if it fits in its mouth, its food.
tangs, need alot of space to swim. id say no, espically to 2 tangs.
remember 55g is still a small tank, personaly id rather have lost of smaller fish than 3-4 big ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cds0722
I am going to switch my 55 gallon fish only tank over to a FOWLR tank and add some fish. I am going to put about 50 pounds of live rock. I would like to know if you think these fish will get along with each other or not.
*1 snowfalke eel
*1 yellow tang
*1 chocolate chip starfish
*1 sailfin blenny
*1 kole yellow eye tang or 1 convict tang
I would leave the yellow tang and the eel out. Eel can be a potential problem, you need to have lots of rock work for them to hide in, even though they're small, they STILL hunt! I've seen a small one that go after bangaii cardinals and it nips at everything that swims by. I would get the Kole tang, the blenny, cc starfish, and two more small fish, like a clown fish, firefish, green chromis, etc. Don't forget about your clean up crews! :happyfish