Fish Compatability


Hi guys, I've got a 150 gal with a bursa trigger (4 1/2in),picasso (3),lion (4 1/2),yellow eye tang (4),porc puffer (4 1/2), a passer angel (4), snowflake eel (17), and a red coris wrasse (5). Has anybody had any experience keeping these together? If so I would like to hear about it. Also are there any suggestions of what else to add. I've got a sump with a 25 watt uv, and a berlin turbo skimmer. :rolleyes:
I'm interested in how long has all these fish been living together because usually puffers and trigger are not compatiable. Usually. It sound like you have enough, if not too much in there now you shouldn't add anything else. If it's been working keep doing it!


I've had these fish together for about two months now. The triggers are buddies, and the puffer and eel are definitely best friends. I've seen the puffer actually rub up against the eel and sit on his head while resting!