Fish Compatability


New Member
I just added a Copperband Butterfly fish to my 48 gallon tank. My emporor angel flipped out. Chased the poor thing for hours until the new guy was able to hide. The fish place I bought him from says there shouldn't be any problem. Anyone else ever encounter this? Even my Maroon clownfish is aggressive towards him. Should i return the Butterfly or wait it out?

my way

Active Member
Emperators are notorious for being the bullies of the tank. They should always be the last or one of the last fish put in a tank. It also helps to get them as juviniles as their temperment is much better. This is why you should do your research before buying any fish. Copperbands are rather timid, mostly when first added to the tank. If the aggresion against it does'nt end in a day or two chances are good the CB will be to intimidated to ever eat, add this to the fact that CB's are hard to get to feed when first introduced to a new tank anyway. I would take it back if things don't settle down real soon. Not to flame you but your tank is way too small for the angel.


New Member
Thanks for the advice.
No I didn't do the light out technique...thought that was an old wives' tale. Now I know.
As for the emperor, I knew that it wouldn't be too comfortable in a 48 when I bought him...granted he is a juvi, but getting him was one of the only reasons I decided to start saltwater. I thought if I kept him around other non-agressive fish, it might help. And I thought if I kept the fish population small nough, it could work. Guess not. I'll prob have to upgtade in a couple yrs.
Thank you again. I'll prob be returning the butterfly tomorrow.