Fish compatability


New Member
I have a small french Angel juvenile newly put into a 150 gallon fish only tank and the only fish that seems to be chasing it is a lollypop tang which was added about 10 days ago itself. Is this unusual as I thought there would be no issue between those two fish or should I worry? What to do?
they should establish some sort of dominance and settle down, at least that is what i have experienced. just make sure they are not fighting over a food shortage.


New Member
150 gallon fish only tank Lollypop tang keeps chasing french angel small into one corner of tank (5 days already). What can i do to get them to leave eachother alone???


Active Member
One strategy is to take out the aggressive one and let the less aggressive one establish itself first. And, for future reference, it is suggested that you wait at least 2 weeks between fish additions. Good luck on taming the beast, the only other trick I've heard is to rearrange the rocks a bit so there is no longer any established territory and they have to start all over again.


I'm pretty sure it's a Acanthurus nigricans, or possibly the Acanthurus japonicus which I'm hoping for instead.
Anyway, I would follow the suggestions above. Either temporarily remove the Tang, or change your rockwork...or both.