Fish Compatability


I have a 150 gallon with a bursa (4 1/2),picasso (3),lion (5), porc puffer (4 1/2), yellow eye tang (4),snowflake eel (17),
passer angel (4), and a red coris wrasse (5). Has anyone had an experience keeping these fish together? Does anybody have any suggestions on what else to add if anything.
I have a sump with a 25 watt u.v., and a berlin turbo skimmer. :rolleyes:


I do think that your tank is full, you have a total of 47" of fish, and if you follow the general rule of thumb (1" per 5gal) you should really only have 30" of fish; you also have to consider that the fish will grow, especially the lion, if it is not a dwarf lion, Volitans get big!! I might be concerned if the angel and tang are shy due to all the bold aggressive fish. IME, angels and tangs can get stressed when with much more aggressive fish, I would watch them closely to see that they are eating and not hiding all of the time. BTW. . .how long have you had these fish together?


I've had them together for about 2 months now. They seem to be doing fine. The eel and the puffer are best friends, and the triggers seem to hang out together also. I've actually seen the puffer resting on the eels head before!
all the fish you have are cool for now. they all get big so since they are small you have some time. watch the tang and the angel. they can get ich easily and spread it too everyone. you might want to reconsider those fish or trade them back while they are healthy.


New Member
I would just like to comment on the inches per fish. (Alot of people say 1" per 5 gals.)
I think you ARE on the right track. I don't think I can say the site I got my info from..but, the comment was:
1" per 2 gals. for a fish-only tank (with good filtration)
1" per 5 gals. for a REEF tank.
I have read alot of posts from reef-owners telling FO owners that they have too many fish, .....what can I say, I had to clarify this for everyone who reads these messages and for those of us that don't have a reef tank,and just want to enjoy these beautiful fish.


New Member
I would just like to comment on the inches per fish. (Alot of people say 1" per 5 gals.)
I think you ARE on the right track. I don't think I can say the site I got my info from..but, the comment was:
1" per 2 gals. for a fish-only tank (with good filtration)
1" per 5 gals. for a REEF tank.
I have read alot of posts from reef-owners telling FO owners that they have too many fish, .....what can I say, I had to clarify this for everyone who reads these messages and for those of us that don't have a reef tank,and just want to enjoy these beautiful fish.


Actually, I don't have a reef, I have two FO tanks; but, my source of info was a published book called "The Marine Aquarium" written by ---- Mills, and this book is where I got the "general" rule of thumb, 1" per 5G, it does not specifically state reef or fish only. Your call, but if you went by 1" per 2G, that would mean 75" of fish, WOW!!! :eek: