Fish compatibility (dwarf lion)


As you can see below will i have any touble keeping these fish together.
1 Is the lion fish going to hurt any of the other fish, they seem to be getting along fine now but Im worried about any trouble I may have in the future.
2. I have read that keeping the Lemmon Peel angel with an anenome is bad. is this true?


i never had personal experience with dwarf lions so don't take my word for it, but in my humble opinion i think you may eventually ecounter problems with the clowns or damsel. i've heard stories about dwarfs trying to swallow fish half its size, and with a slow fish like the clown i hope they are not too small. as to lemonpeel and anemone incompatibility i never heard anything about might be right. also i think you might benefit from a protein skimmer and sand substrate, esp for a tank with an angel and a predator, just my opinion


Active Member
How big is the lion? The dwarf gets to be maybe 5". I don't think he will hurt smaller fish, he will only eat them if he can get them in his mouth.:eek: :D