Fish compatibility question


Ok I have a Niger Trigger a cinnamon clown (which I might trade in for a different clown and a porcupine puffer (which I also might trade in). Also a newl zebra eel. For the sake of argument that I am keeping all of these fish. Also they have been in the tank together for a year and a half. I had two angel fish with them but got rid of them to add new stuff. Ok to the point.
I either want to add a
1.lemon peel angel
chevron tang
or a
2. Potters angel
Purple tang
How do you think my established fish would treat either one of these groups?


70 gallons. And i know I know people on here love to freak out about tank size and what ever else they can get in that is negative, but I get the fish when they are smaller and trade them in when they get bigger. That way I don't get bored so easy. Minus the purple tang all of the others stay pretty small, but i am very unsure about putting one in the tank.
That is why I need the advice.


thanks. But you know that as soon as I get them there will be a line of peoiple tellin me to take em back. Ha ha