Fish compatibility


Active Member
The only problem is you see how half that sheet is blank so what if I want to know if a psuedochromis will work with a gobie? How do I tell. I had one before that had the hole thing listed out but there website went down and I cant go there anymore.


just one i found online.. though it may help guide some of us newbies.... if anyone can find a better one please post it


according to this chart they are compatibel. Is that right? You just have to look on both sides of the chart not that hard to read.


Active Member
I see what your saying and I can read it its just more difficult for some ppl when half the chart dont have anything on it lol. The one I found (wish I saved a pic or something) had all the fish listed for that fish all the way down the chart instead of having to find it and go down and find it again.

sinner's girl

I found that last night too. I was told that a psuedochromis will work with a gobie. Both are on my list of fish to get. I was told the add the psuedochromis last though.
That site gives good info on the fish, min size tank, adult size, temp, sg, it's cool.
The chart confused me at first too, then I figured it out.


New Member
I am just starting with my tank. I have one cbs and a few hermits. Can I keep corals with these guys?


Active Member
All in all yes but the cbs can kill snails hermits (most inverts) and small fish when he gets bigger, And they usually do.

sinner's girl

cbs isn't reef safe, will pick on corals. however, if you feed him, he shouldn't bother your fish/inverts. My last CBS just ate other shrimp. This one, hasn't bothered the other inverts, and when I asked, I was told he would get along with them.
It depends on the Cbs too, my last one wouldn't let anyone near it, if a fish went by him, he's perk up, but he never bothered the fish.


Active Member
I have seen many posts of them actually attacking fish and doing damage. And it one of thoughs (varies from shrimp to shrimp) Some are nice and some are as mean as can be. Even websites that sell them say they are known to open up corals (kill them) to eat the food they are digesting. So its a Caution thing. You might get a nice one but the other side of them can be horrible.


Active Member
i had one i got from this sight and it started tearing up a coral so i got rid of him. thanks for posting the chart i was trying to find it recently and couldnt


note to mods/admins.. anyway you could sticky this topic so other ccan find it easily... i think it may be a beneficial referrence for us newbies


I think you'd hafta give credit to the sight that lists it and SWF won't allow that kinda "advertisement". For example, when I put my curser on your thread title, it showed that you saved this from tropicfish****.com, so I don't even think the pic will stay. Not sure though, I'm just telling you so you won't be surprised if it disappears...


I mod a few other boards, not to sure of the rules/regs on this one b/c it is owned buy a company, just thought something like this would be beneficial... hmmmm... any way you can drop me an email....


Back to the cbs. I have had one for about 2 months.. Never touched a coral, snail,hermit,crab, or fish. My pseudochromis and damsel even try to get him to clean them but he seems reluctant. They go right up to him and sort of tilt sideways.And mine is huge! Looking at him straight on those big white antennae span about 6-7 inches.


Originally Posted by KevtheIris
any way you can drop me an email....

shark bait

Originally Posted by Snipe
The only problem is you see how half that sheet is blank so what if I want to know if a psuedochromis will work with a gobie? How do I tell. I had one before that had the hole thing listed out but there website went down and I cant go there anymore.

[link violation - out of respect to the owner and operator of this board, please do not post links to competitors]


Active Member
Posting links to competeing sights is against rules out of respect of the owner. I would remove it or most likely the admins will.