Fish Compatibility


Ok, I have another question for my new (used) 180g tank before I get it. It comes stocked with some fish, and I need some advice on which ones I can keep with my current stock. The new tank has the following fish already in it:
1 Bi Color Angel
1 Maroon Clown
1 Clarki
3 Damsels
1 Orange/Purple Dottyback
1 Sohal Tang
My current setup has the following fish
1 Royal Gramma
1 LM Blenny
1 Coral Beauty
1 Yellow Tang
1 False Perc
1 Perc Clown
I know I will get rid of the Damsels. My question is regarding the other fish. Will the Maroon Clown be ok with my Percs. She says it's very mellow. I'm guessing I'll have to get rid of the Bi Color Angel because of my Coral Beauty. And finally, (I'm afraid of the answer because I want both) Can I have my Yellow Tang in the same tank with the Sohal. The tank is 180 gallons and including her rock and mine will have approximately 380 lbs of live rock.
On a side note, will I crash the system adding my fish to the new tank, if so, how should I do this.


I also forgot, she has some sort of an Urchin. I think I should get rid of this because I want to make this a reef tank.


Active Member
yeah I'm sure the maroon is mellow with no other clowns to compete with .. you'll have to choose between the percs or the maroon .. becuase in a battle .. the marroon will win and don't for a second think that there won't be a battle .. the tangs should be ok though .. and you might get away with having two angels beucase your tank is so large and they can each have their own territory .. expect to see some competition though if you keep both .. hopefully nothing deadly though .. everything else should be fine ..


Active Member
The tangs should get along fine, also with it being a 180 you might be able to keep both angels not sure, maybe someone else has experience with it. The maroon clown would probably be aggressive towards the percs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by briandg
I also forgot, she has some sort of an Urchin. I think I should get rid of this because I want to make this a reef tank.
the urchin won't do any harm to a reef tank but it might knock some things over and depending on what type of urchin might pick some corals up and carry them around .. my verigated urchin picks up my unatached sps corals all the time and holds it about it's body on the end of its spines .. he thinks he's camoflauging himself but it only covers like half of his body .. haha ..
but I also have a long spine urchin that never picks up anything so it really depends on the species


Thanks alot for the quick feedback. The only reason I was hopeful with the Maroon, is because it's currently in w/a Clarki, but I will give it up if there's a chance of it killing the percs (those are my sons Nemos and given the choice I'll keep them).
I wasn't sure about the Tang becaue I had read that it would attack other Tangs, if I can keep it though, that would be great.
Thanks Again
PS anyone want the Damsels :)


Originally Posted by Jam1e
the urchin won't do any harm to a reef tank but it might knock some things over and depending on what type of urchin might pick some corals up and carry them around .. my verigated urchin picks up my unatached sps corals all the time and holds it about it's body on the end of its spines .. he thinks he's camoflauging himself but it only covers like half of his body .. haha ..
but I also have a long spine urchin that never picks up anything so it really depends on the species

Cool, it sounds like I'll be able to keep most of them anyway. Any advice and putting my old fish in the new tank without crashing it with the bioload. I guess if I had to, I could set back up my current tank for awhile and move them slowly, but I was hoping not to. The new tank is going in the same place as the old.


Active Member
hmm .. a dilema indeed .. there's not much you can do though .. unless you really want to set up your old tank ..


Active Member
you know if you transfer all of your live rock,fish, sand, and water from your old tank you shouldn't have a cycle at all .. so if you're going to do that .. I'd put the angel in last, and the sohal in second to last .. and do it like one fish a week or something like that


That's my other dilema, I will have the larger Angel and the Sohal already in the larger tank, so I will be introducing my smaller Angel and Yellow Tang to the larger tank after the ones that pose more risk.


Active Member
no I'm saying .. put all of his stock in your old tank .. and put everything from your old tank into his tank .. so you'll have a cycle in your old tank becuase everything will be new . but who cares becuase wants the levels start messing up everything will be out


I guess I was thinking about it differently. I am going to be moving his tank with his live rock, etc. I was going to put all of his fish back in the tank a day after the move then slowly move mine over, but if the fish will survive temporarily in my tank, this will be a much better solution.


fish stores do it everyday, because they know that the fish won't be in there for longer than a couple weeks.


Sounds good to me, and if I move my 55 now, my wife can hurry up and replace the carpet in the room before setting up the new tank. It sure beats trying to move it in a year or two.


i have yet to enjoy this "moving a tank" thing everyone talks about. I'm still pondering if i want to switch out my crushed coral for sand. I just don't want to spend a couple hundred on switching it out if its not harming anything. Its only 1-2 inches deep of cc, and if i switched I would go to a dsb with a whole bunch of critters I would have to buy which would cost even more. I just made my decision.. I'm not switching it out until i get a bigger tank.


LOL, I don't blame you, I just got the biggest tank that will fit where I need it, it will curb the stupid urge to upgrade again. Hopefully I get this set up and it's there longer than I'm here :).
The tank I'm getting has CC, but I'm gonna switch it out with my sand and add some more, I don't think it should cause a cycle with my sand and all the live rock, but I guess I'll find out.