Fish compatibilty...Suggestions.


I have my 25 up and running now. Just added some more sand. I have a perc clown in there. I am going to get some more fish, maybe one this weekend to quarantine. Any suggestions for small fish for that tank? I thought of Pink Anthias, but do you think one perc and 2 pink anthias is too much? What about Blue Chromis? What about putting a small cinnamon clown or maroon clown? With they fight? I heard that tomatoe clowns will fight other clowns and percs will fight other percs.


Active Member
I wouldn't mix clowns. Keep the perk and add a royal gramma and maybe a hawk. After that you're pretty much done. I'm not a damsel fan . They cause too much havoc and aren't really all that colorful except perhaps the blue yellow tail. They are also tough to remove from tank if you ever want or need to. Just my 2 cents.


I would be carefull adding a hawk. It could possibly eat any shrimp that you have. I do like the royal gramma. They are an attractive, and active fish. They stay out in the open durring the day and hide at night. You could also look at a bengaii cardinal. Good luck with your new setup.


Cool. I'll stay away from Anthias. I'll get the Royal Gramma. I've always wanted one, heard they were a little mean though. What about bi-color psudochromis (dottyback)? Would that be better then the Royal Gramma? What about firefish? I think 5 fish is what I'm going to stop at. Maybe 4. Thought about a lawn mower again, but last one I had, before it died of ich, had wiped out the algae in my tank in just over a month. I don't want it to starve. And I'm going to maybe get another Mandarin if I can find another one that will eat brine and mysis like my last one. (I'll wait and let my pod population get bigger)


I've read that you don't want to mix firefish, grammas, and pseudos, because they have a similar body shape. They are likely to not get along with each other. You'll probably want to pick just one of the three. Any of them should be fine in your tank.
As per a third fish you might want to consider the orange-tailed damselfish. It's similar looking to a blue damsel except with a bright orange tail. Mine is the most active fish in my aquarium.


No damsels. I think I'll do the firefish, and a royal gramma. Then my bottom dweller later, like a scooter blennie, wait, I don't want to disturb my DSB.
Boy, I need a bigger tank so I can get me the purple tang that I want.


New Member
Hey Stacy,
Just thought I would reply because Im from Merced too...almost fell out of my chair when i saw you were too.....where do you buy your fish?


I buy most of my fish from pet barn. I usually go in once a week just to checkout what they have. I've bought so much stuff from there I usually get a really good price. They've been trying to get me to work there, but it would be to much of a pay cut. Besides this is a hoby and I want to keep it that way.


New Member
I was just in pet barn yesterday and fell in love with the lemon peel angel....just have to wait for the levels in my hospital tank to be right. Where do you work? What do you have in your tank? Dont know if you were in pet barn recently but they are having a big sale on saturday.


I started out the same way. i have perc. and then added a red lip blenny and bangi cardnal and finally a small neon goby. everyone gets along fine. i also had a gramma the jumped out of the tank, but was a wonderful addition. i but him in after the clown and all was well. i miss him.


New Member
I can't give you much info but I can give you names of small fish that are still as beautiful as the bigeer ones. black capped basslet, gobys( mostly red headed gobys.) Dotty backs these must be kept singly they can't have pairs. Gramma's
(I like royal gramma's) and blennys. Hope this info will serve to be helpful. :cool:


some other fish that would go good with your clown would be a firefish or a pair, green chromises, bangaii cardinal, or a blue gudgeon