Fish compatible with these.....


I was wondering if anyone could suggest more fish I can buy compatible with mine. I have a fish only tank with the following fish: 2 clown, goby, foxface,scooter blenny, coral beauty, domino damsel, firefish,snails, crabs, 2 blood red shrimp.


Active Member
You could always do a small school of chromis.

I would ditch the domino and do that or maybe some black and white percs.


Active Member
i wouldnt do the clowns if you already have some or is there an extra coma between the clown and goby, i like the chronis school they are cool looking fish, and damsils might pick of your fish, some are nasty little creatures... well most are

undulated guy

from what i hear the foxface is the most agressive out of those u listed. if u get a less agressive fish than the foxface it should be bigger than the fox and if you get a more agressive fish it should be smaller. a lionfish would be fine even though their venomous, i would say get a dwarf because a volitan would surley eat your damsels or anything as small.


Active Member
plus volitensget way to big for a 65, i have never had an agressive foxface, i have always thought of them as puppies, with there big eyes and all lol


I love my foxface (Foxy Brown) they really do look like puppies...... should I get rid of my Damsel....he has not been territorial thus far.....


Can you recommend any peaceful colorful exotic type fish.....I am upgrading my tank next year to a 90 gallon


Active Member
Originally Posted by BabyB
i wouldnt do the clowns if you already have some or is there an extra coma between the clown and goby, i like the chronis school they are cool looking fish, and damsils might pick of your fish, some are nasty little creatures... well most are

Oh my bad... I read "2 clown goby"


Active Member
I wouldnt do a dwarf lion... It will eat anything that can fit into its mouth... Those clowns would be goners along with the firefish and the goby if its small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandib
I love my foxface (Foxy Brown) they really do look like puppies...... should I get rid of my Damsel....he has not been territorial thus far.....
Dominos, even though I love them, are little scrappers. Mine loved to fight. They never messed with anything bigger than them, but with age they got more and more agressive. I had to take them back. You could have better luck than I did though.


I'd say you are maxed out on your bioload until you get the 90 up and running. How about a royal gamma, they are small and colorful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bcott
What about some type of anthias?

i sugested that on her other thread about cowfish, i think they are really pretty and would make a good addition


The more reef safe wrasses are always fun to watch swim around in your tank and they can be really colorful. When you switch tanks and catch the damsel get rid of him.