Fish compatiblity Q


New Member
In my 55 I have:
1 Yellow Tang
1 6 line wrasse
1 domino damsel
2 cleaner shrimp
Some notes on the tank...the tang has established dominance over the domino and everyone leaves the wrasse alone
Here are some fish I am considering adding
1 Gold striped maroon clown
1 Angel (Coral beauty or Flame)
Would these be compatible in my tank?
Could I add both the clown and an angel?
If I can only add one, which would be most compatible?
Thanks for any help!


Seeing that u already have a tang in there, yer pretty much overstocked on fish. if u ddint have the tang, u could probably do the clown AND the angel. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe u can slide in the angel. No problems, as long as u dont have corals for it to pick at.


New Member
Thanks for your reply Chandler!
No corals in the tank
How about just the clown and not the angel?


in my 55 i have:
1 Yellow tang
1 six-line wrasse
2 false percs
1 Flame angel
4 Green Chromis
All of the fish are doing great. My wrasse has taken the role of cleaner, picking at the other fish. The fish are not that big yet, but they will be transferred into a larger tank next year.