Active Member
Here is my semi-finalized plan for my 40 gallon breederEquipment - (already have it all)
-Aqualight HQI - 150 watt 10000k MH bulb, ballast, 2x65 power compacts, 2 lunar lights
280 watts total
-3 maxijet 900 powerheads
-45 lbs of LR (getting a little more soon)
-40 lbs of LS
-AquaC Remora protein skimmer, with prefilter box, and maxijet 1200
-Six-Line Wrasse
-Pair of Oc. Clownfish
-Royal Gramma (maybe)
-Some kind of goby or blenny or maybe a jawfish
-Coral Beauty Angelfish or Pgmy Angelfish
Cleaner Crew
-10 nass snails
-10 astrea snails
-10 cerith snails
-20 blue leg hermits
-12 scarlet reef hermits
-3 peppermint shrimp
-2 emerald crabs
-recommended for 30-50 gallons online and ill put some of the snails and hermits in my nanocube and maybe a few in my 75 gallon FOWLR for the triggger
(the pack also comes with a CBS but maybe i'll e-mail the company and say I don't want it, or give it to my trigger hehe)
Corals/Clam/Anemone I Must Have
-Hammer Coral
-Bubble Coral
-an anemone
-Clam (not sure which kind yet, probably maxima)
-Aqualight HQI - 150 watt 10000k MH bulb, ballast, 2x65 power compacts, 2 lunar lights
280 watts total
-3 maxijet 900 powerheads
-45 lbs of LR (getting a little more soon)
-40 lbs of LS
-AquaC Remora protein skimmer, with prefilter box, and maxijet 1200
-Six-Line Wrasse
-Pair of Oc. Clownfish
-Royal Gramma (maybe)
-Some kind of goby or blenny or maybe a jawfish
-Coral Beauty Angelfish or Pgmy Angelfish
Cleaner Crew
-10 nass snails
-10 astrea snails
-10 cerith snails
-20 blue leg hermits
-12 scarlet reef hermits
-3 peppermint shrimp
-2 emerald crabs
-recommended for 30-50 gallons online and ill put some of the snails and hermits in my nanocube and maybe a few in my 75 gallon FOWLR for the triggger
(the pack also comes with a CBS but maybe i'll e-mail the company and say I don't want it, or give it to my trigger hehe)
Corals/Clam/Anemone I Must Have
-Hammer Coral
-Bubble Coral
-an anemone
-Clam (not sure which kind yet, probably maxima)