Fish/Coral/Cleaner Crew Plan


Active Member
Here is my semi-finalized plan for my 40 gallon breederEquipment - (already have it all)
-Aqualight HQI - 150 watt 10000k MH bulb, ballast, 2x65 power compacts, 2 lunar lights
280 watts total
-3 maxijet 900 powerheads
-45 lbs of LR (getting a little more soon)
-40 lbs of LS
-AquaC Remora protein skimmer, with prefilter box, and maxijet 1200

-Six-Line Wrasse
-Pair of Oc. Clownfish
-Royal Gramma (maybe)
-Some kind of goby or blenny or maybe a jawfish
-Coral Beauty Angelfish or Pgmy Angelfish
Cleaner Crew

-10 nass snails
-10 astrea snails
-10 cerith snails
-20 blue leg hermits
-12 scarlet reef hermits
-3 peppermint shrimp
-2 emerald crabs
-recommended for 30-50 gallons online and ill put some of the snails and hermits in my nanocube and maybe a few in my 75 gallon FOWLR for the triggger :p
(the pack also comes with a CBS but maybe i'll e-mail the company and say I don't want it, or give it to my trigger hehe)
Corals/Clam/Anemone I Must Have

-Hammer Coral
-Bubble Coral
-an anemone
-Clam (not sure which kind yet, probably maxima)


Active Member
Your list sounds good.
You could take the CBS to your LFS and trade him in for something else you might want. (just my .02)


Good Start. What Kind of Water and Salt are you going to use? How do you plan Export PO4? How do you plan to add CA? What are your water cooling plans?


Active Member
Originally Posted by druluv
Good Start. What Kind of Water and Salt are you going to use? How do you plan Export PO4? How do you plan to add CA? What are your water cooling plans?
Okay well I'm planning on using ro/di water mixed with reef crystals and doing weekly water changes to replenish the trace elements. Not sure about the PO4, coudl you explain that to me? CA I'll do the water changes and I have a two part addictive for alkilinity and calcium. And the tank seems fine for now, but if it does ever seem that it gets a little hot, I'll buy a fan to hang.


Oh Yeah, Angel fish are not worth it, they can nip at everything. Greg had to tear down his whole tank to take a flame angel because it was nipping at his corals and clams. Jaw Fish are a bad addition because they filter out all of the good critters and bacteria from the sand bed through their gills; they are cool though, so I understand if you ignore my advise. I want one in my tank too but those sand bed critters are too important to my corals.
I would recommend a sand bed critter kit for your deep sand bed too.
You are also mixing SpS with soft-corals, any carbon filtration with the plan.


Active Member
Okay maybe I'll get a goby or blenny instead. My sand bed isnt that deep though, 1 - 2 inches. There is a spot at where my protein skimmer pours water back into the tank taht there is room for filtration media, I could put the carbon there.


Active Member
The only soft corals I plan on adding are the ones taht are currently in my nanocube, the leather is gigantic, it started like 3" and now it probably is 7" and is almost out of the water. I can't wait to see it when it can stretch out, because at the moment its kind of flat.


Active Member
aha. okay i was planning on getting a refugium a little later on. I have a 10 gallon in my basement, would that work?


Add some baffels and whola, free fuge. Use Live sand or M. Mud. and caulerpla on a 24/7 lighting to stop it from going sexual. That's it.


Active Member
lol sorry I must laugh at that. "keep 24 lights on to keep the algae from going sexual?" lol. How would I set up that sump, I want it to be as cheap as possible. Just get like a maxijet and a tube that pumps it into the fuge and then another pump in there to pump it back into the tank? I'm not much of a plumber.


You need to run the lights 24/7 so that the caulerpa doesn't release organics back into the system. I would drain water into the fuge then pump back to the main display.