Fish, Corals, and Critters MUST GO!


First off, in light of the no frag sales/trading rules I want to justify this post. I am not offering frags, but rather entire colonies. I make no representation that any item is backed by in any way, but if the ops feel this violates policy, i'll understand its removal. That said, I'm moving to colorado in august and i'm not going to be able to bring anything that's alive with me so the following items are for sale in Bergen County, NJ. I'll ship with the proper precautions, but you're paying for overnight and there is NO GUARANTEE livestock will arive alive.
2 adult engineer gobies (each about 6-7 inches) - $15 each
1 gold stripe maroon clown - $25
1 royal gramma - $10
1 large convict damsel - $5
3 head frogspawn (great color) - $25
15 head candy cane colony - $25
medium leather - $20
Green Star Polyps - $20
2 giant mushrooms (each about 6 inches in diameter) $20
Bubble tip anemone - $25
emerald crabs - $5 each (I have 3 or 4)
horseshoe crab - $10
red leg hermits and turbo snails - if you buy something else, you can have a few.
It's some great stuff, the one's i'm most upset i have to give up are definately the engineer gobies, so much personality and really cool looking. Reply to the post if you're interested, everything must go by August!


I'd love to pick up some corals, but I don't think my tank will be cycled by August. My LR and LS is coming in today, so the cylce should kick off sometime this weekend or early next week. I'll send you a message in about a month if you have anything left over.


I know this is going to hurt me, but i don't have a digi cam. I've been keeping reefs for 5+ years and know what i'm doing. My tank is a 55 gal with 220 watts of VHO lighting. I haven't had a parasite in over a year and have never had a detrimental hitchhiker, so no worries about that. All the corals are in the upper half of the tank, with the exception of the leather, which has light damage due to emerald crabs crawling on it (it continually heals then gets scratched up again, if you don't have hungary emeralds, it should get better and stay better). If you are worried about color, i'll give a little detail
frogspawn - awesome color, loaded with bright green spots
gsp - they're green, look like stars, and are polyps, what else can you say?
bta - bright white, tends to shy away from the intense light
candycane - red rims, green centers, open to the point that you can see the tenticles on some of the larger heads
leather - light brown, cool shape
mushrooms - got them for their texture and rediculous size, the color is kind of bland, but flouresces a little under the right light.


do you still have frogspawn,med. leather and mushrooms available?if bta and gold stripe is still available let me know. maybe we can work out a deal? i also need some snails and hermits. email me @


leather, shrooms, candycane, gsp's, and clown are sold. someone should check out these engineer gobies, they've always been my favorite fish in the tank.


sales are complete or pending on all corals and all fish except the damsel. There is still the horseshoe crab and once the livestock is gone the tank and hood will go up. I'll post again when that happens or if any sales fall through.


so some people on another message board flaked out on stuff they said they'd buy, so here's what's back on the store shelf:
2 adult engineer gobies (each about 6-7 inches) - $15 each
1 royal gramma - $10
1 large convict damsel - $0.12
medium leather - $20
Green Star Polyps - $20
emerald crabs - $5 each (I have 3 or 4)
horseshoe crab - $10
red leg hermits and turbo snails


hi evan
just wanted to let you know that your gold stripe clown has settled in just fine. iam really enjoying her.


sorry i flaked on the engineers, some quick research told me that they were not for my relatively new system. but i would like to know if you had any live rock available??