fish/corals overseas on flights?



i just read a post about bringing a naso in from hawaii.
I'm going to hawaii in december and was wondering what specific thigns I need to know about bringing live fish ,plants over , I live in canada.
But shouldn't it be pretty much the same?, rules wise?
anyway , was wondering what members have brought back to their tanks, and how? any special precautions? I think muy flight will be 8 hours.
thankx again.


Active Member
The problem is that you are entering another country. Customs/agriculture/wildlife inspections can prohibit this sort of transport and you would be very very wise to look this up before leaving. Proper permits may be required. IMO, the hassle with this may not be worth the savings. If you do not go through this, do not be surprised if you are fined, your animals seized (and probably left to die) and possibly more from there. Some countries and some animals can get very interesting when transported across international borders. I've seen some pretty serious agents questioning people about dead animals coming in from the Caribbean, for example.
This would be a first and foremost concern. Once you get paperwork in order, the LFS should be able to pack the animals for that long of a trip.


Active Member
Before you do anything call the airline. On our flight my first call was to American to make sure this was not an issue or the Naso would still be in Hawaii. It was fine because I was not out of the country. The airline might be able to tell you how to start and if your going to bring one back I think I have the business card from the guy I got mine from