Fish Crazy's 24 gal "ive been through hell n back" tell me what you think

fish crazy

just a little information i started up my tank in 2008 and had it running for about a year, but then i had it sitting with live rock n sand for a coulple of months n started it up again in july of 2010... here are some pics of before and after.
pages 1-4 are the before pics
pages 8-4 are the after pics


Active Member
Loving the aquascape, just so you know you can copy and paste the IMG code from photobucket so you don'T have to put links in.
So the text looks like this:

fish crazy

thanks for the info.. and no everything in my tank is stock.
here is my livestock: 1 false percula clownfish, 1 yellow watchmen goby
8 snails, 5 hermit crabs, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 orange linckia starfish
a green bubble coral, red mushrooms, and a torch coral

fish crazy

hey guys i got some new coral today, a got some very nice green mushrooms, and a orange plate coral. ill post up some pics tomorrow.

fish crazy

Hey guys am looking into getting a protein skimmer, which one do you guys recomend, also what are the prices for them.