Fish DEAD...Coral OK........PLEASE HELP !


I don't know what can be done on the legal end IF I decide to go that route.
I haven't even tried talking to the owner yet, because of the Holidays, but WILL tomorrow and try to settle this. Im sure someone is going to end up not being happy when all is said and done.
But, we'll see. Thanks for the feeback and WILL be in contact with you IF I can't get any results on Tuesday. We'll find out pretty quick if I need to cancel this check or not...


Active Member
From the monetary standpoint, I'm not sure if a legal battle is worth it for maybe $300 of fish. Plus there's the issue of how you could prove it was the movers' fault that the fish died. Your word against theirs. I have absolutely no experience with this kind of situation though, just speculating here.
To answer your question, the wholesale cost of the fish should be roughly half of the retail value. Even less if he imports his own fish.
Sorry to hear about all this. What a way to spend the holidays. Whatever you choose to do I wish ya luck.


Sounds like they know little about moving tanks, run from them..


Thanks for everyones concern. You might be right about the legal stand point of this financially. BUT, this was a company I was going to use to maintain my tank. Checking several sources, other people have had great success with these people.
Something just isn't right here. How they can do this to my tank but be praised by others...
I'll keep everyone informed on whats going to happen here...


Active Member
I may have missed this, but where did the water come from ? Was it his water that also got transported ?


Member was. It was ALL of HIS water transported over in 5 gallon containers. Obviously, a lot of containers....
I have talked to the owner and claims he 'believes' the cold water would NOT kill all these fish! But in any event, he said he would replace the fish (as close to the size as the ones I lost) as soon as HE checks the water. He will be out my way on Friday. He told me that the only fish he MIGHT have a hard time matching in size was the 6-7" Foxface Rabbitfish. (I guess its hard to find one this size...)
Stay tuned....we'll see what happens here. He seem to be very nice and was going to do whatever it takes to make it right.....