Fish DEAD...


New Member
I have recently set up a new saltwater tank..
I check my water and it was not 100%.. just a little bit of ammonia (less than 1 ppm) little nitrite & nitrate and ph was just below the required level..
I bought some damsels which lived for 3 weeks and a yellow tang that lived for 1 week. So i Assume that everythiong is ok.. so I went ahead and purchased a butterfly fish, 2 clown, a goby and 2 anemones. I put them into the tank on Friday. I saw the anemones stung the tang and after a while it was dead (4-6 hrs).
Afterwards, all the other fish die on Monday.
The anemone are still in the tank and is looking healthy.
Can someone please explain what i am doing wrong??


Active Member
Sounds like you didn't cycle your tank fully before adding fish, plus you added too many inhabitants at one time. You need to let your tank cycle fully before adding anything, that means ammonia spikes, then goes down, nitrite spikes, then goes down, nitrate spikes, then goes down. You might want to get the anemone out while it's still alive, take it back to your fish store, and cycle the tank. Keep testing the water, and after the cycle is done, try again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reshmaajay
I had my tank cycling a liitle over 4 weeks..
Well, the ammonia being below 1ppm is still really high. You need to have 0, even .25 is high. That, plus the fast addition of so much stock likely caused a tank crash. Basically, that means you'll be starting back at the beginning and have to wait for the cycle to run it's course again. This is why I suggest you take the anemone out, or it won't likely last long.


Active Member
Np, this is a great hobby, and a little research goes a long way. Best of luck, and we're all here if you need help.


Active Member
In an nut shell you definatly rushed into things. Your tank should be well established before you attempt to add some of the things you have in there.
To know more about what you could be up against more information on your tank would help.
What size is it, what type of filtration, and type and wattage of ligting you have. Along with all remaining live stock.. including the anemones you have. how many and what kind are they.
Again research read and ask questions... hope we can help.


Active Member
ALSO you havent posted ANY of your tank aspects, SIZE, FILTRATION, Water parameters, Filtration. etc etc


Active Member
You need to take those anemones back to your LFS!!!! They are NOT going to survive in your tank at this moment, they need a well established tank to survive. You also need to post your tank size, lighting, etc. like it was mentioned above....


New Member
Hi Reshma,
Most of the livestock you added should be added only after ATLEAST sixmonths.
Try hardy fishes first.
Sorry for your loss