hey guys,
so first off, i made the silly mistake of buying a "plasma" fish tank thinking it looks cool and the claim that you can have saltwater fish sold me. The dimensions are 6 feet length, by 2 feet height, and only about 6 inches in depth. Heres a link:
Anyhow, I get the tank, cycle it for 4 -5 months, drop live rock, live sand, and even 2 powerheads to make the currents stronger since the middle didnt have much current. i probably have about 10 pounds of live rock, a 4 inch sandbed of live sand and dropped the fish in. Btw, the tank is only 25 gallons.
The filtration system is 2 sponges on the sides of the tank built in with these small bio balls in them, about 4, on each side of the tank. That makes a total of 4 sponges with about 6 - 8 bio balls.
I drop in fish, about 2 at a time. All small, easy going, hardy fish:
1) pajama cardinal
2) bengai cardinal
3) ocellaris clownfish
4) firefish
5) royal gramma
6) chromis
They survived for a couple of months, Now, all that is alive is the pajama cardinal. Every time I get my water tested at my lfs, its fine. I get a skimmer thinking maybe its the nitrates. A simple hang on skimmer, but it doesnt seem to make a huge difference.
The guy at my lfs said that my filteration system sucks and to buy a fluval 205, replace that with the sponges in the tank (so I constantly dont have to dig them out from the tank and clean them) and get an arctica 1/15th chiller, to monitor temp.
With the Fluval, he took out the carbon and stuff, and told me to replace the one it came with with their carbon and also to add phosphorous I believe.
Ok, so done. I now have water being pumped out from tank, into the fluval to clean, out of fluval to arctica to cool water if necessary, then back to the tank. Sounds like this should work...
I buy a chromis the next day to test it out. Next morning, he died...great
Any suggestions guys???
The only other thing I could think of is that the fish arent getting enough oxygen. I did notice a lot of them coming up to the tank, could that be it???
Thanks in advance!
so first off, i made the silly mistake of buying a "plasma" fish tank thinking it looks cool and the claim that you can have saltwater fish sold me. The dimensions are 6 feet length, by 2 feet height, and only about 6 inches in depth. Heres a link:
Anyhow, I get the tank, cycle it for 4 -5 months, drop live rock, live sand, and even 2 powerheads to make the currents stronger since the middle didnt have much current. i probably have about 10 pounds of live rock, a 4 inch sandbed of live sand and dropped the fish in. Btw, the tank is only 25 gallons.
The filtration system is 2 sponges on the sides of the tank built in with these small bio balls in them, about 4, on each side of the tank. That makes a total of 4 sponges with about 6 - 8 bio balls.
I drop in fish, about 2 at a time. All small, easy going, hardy fish:
1) pajama cardinal
2) bengai cardinal
3) ocellaris clownfish
4) firefish
5) royal gramma
6) chromis
They survived for a couple of months, Now, all that is alive is the pajama cardinal. Every time I get my water tested at my lfs, its fine. I get a skimmer thinking maybe its the nitrates. A simple hang on skimmer, but it doesnt seem to make a huge difference.
The guy at my lfs said that my filteration system sucks and to buy a fluval 205, replace that with the sponges in the tank (so I constantly dont have to dig them out from the tank and clean them) and get an arctica 1/15th chiller, to monitor temp.
With the Fluval, he took out the carbon and stuff, and told me to replace the one it came with with their carbon and also to add phosphorous I believe.
Ok, so done. I now have water being pumped out from tank, into the fluval to clean, out of fluval to arctica to cool water if necessary, then back to the tank. Sounds like this should work...
I buy a chromis the next day to test it out. Next morning, he died...great
Any suggestions guys???
The only other thing I could think of is that the fish arent getting enough oxygen. I did notice a lot of them coming up to the tank, could that be it???
Thanks in advance!