I posted this on the fish discussion a few days ago. I have not had much of a response and I was hoping to get some more views here.
I lost 2 neon gobies and now my yellow tang. No sign of them at all. No body parts, just plain gone. There was no indication that they were even sick. If the fish suddenly died would my maroon clown feed it to my anemones? I have 3 large rose anemones and a long tentacle. I will be getting rid of a couple soon because they take up a lot of room. Also my water perm. indicated that my pH and alk. were low. Are tangs affected by this? The only thing different that I can think of is that I just put some caulerpa in 29 gal as a refugium. I had some of it die off but most of it looks good. Could it have added something toxic? Just searching for answers.
I lost 2 neon gobies and now my yellow tang. No sign of them at all. No body parts, just plain gone. There was no indication that they were even sick. If the fish suddenly died would my maroon clown feed it to my anemones? I have 3 large rose anemones and a long tentacle. I will be getting rid of a couple soon because they take up a lot of room. Also my water perm. indicated that my pH and alk. were low. Are tangs affected by this? The only thing different that I can think of is that I just put some caulerpa in 29 gal as a refugium. I had some of it die off but most of it looks good. Could it have added something toxic? Just searching for answers.