New Member
I have a 120 gallon tank, and I am having fish disappear. I mean 1 day they are there the next day they are gone. I have no clue what can be causing this at all. I have checked Ammonia, Nitirite, pH, and Nitate. My only problem that I see is my Nitrate is at 20ppm, so I have done water changes to fix that. Yet my fish keep Mysetriously disapperaing.
This is what I have in my tank currently: Coral Banded, 4 Peppermint, 1 Camel back shrimp, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 Cleaner wrasse, 2 Green Chromis, 2 Green coral crabs, 10 hermits, 10 snails.
I have no clue what to do, and it's driving me crazy. I have lost 2 Blue tangs, 2 Clownfish, Rainsford Goby, 2 Royal Gramma (2 different times), 2 Green Chromis.
Thanks for any help you can provide to me. My LFS is also at a loss for what is happening.
I have a 120 gallon tank, and I am having fish disappear. I mean 1 day they are there the next day they are gone. I have no clue what can be causing this at all. I have checked Ammonia, Nitirite, pH, and Nitate. My only problem that I see is my Nitrate is at 20ppm, so I have done water changes to fix that. Yet my fish keep Mysetriously disapperaing.
This is what I have in my tank currently: Coral Banded, 4 Peppermint, 1 Camel back shrimp, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 Cleaner wrasse, 2 Green Chromis, 2 Green coral crabs, 10 hermits, 10 snails.
I have no clue what to do, and it's driving me crazy. I have lost 2 Blue tangs, 2 Clownfish, Rainsford Goby, 2 Royal Gramma (2 different times), 2 Green Chromis.
Thanks for any help you can provide to me. My LFS is also at a loss for what is happening.