Fish Disappering


New Member
I have a 120 gallon tank, and I am having fish disappear. I mean 1 day they are there the next day they are gone. I have no clue what can be causing this at all. I have checked Ammonia, Nitirite, pH, and Nitate. My only problem that I see is my Nitrate is at 20ppm, so I have done water changes to fix that. Yet my fish keep Mysetriously disapperaing.
This is what I have in my tank currently: Coral Banded, 4 Peppermint, 1 Camel back shrimp, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 Cleaner wrasse, 2 Green Chromis, 2 Green coral crabs, 10 hermits, 10 snails.
I have no clue what to do, and it's driving me crazy. I have lost 2 Blue tangs, 2 Clownfish, Rainsford Goby, 2 Royal Gramma (2 different times), 2 Green Chromis.
Thanks for any help you can provide to me. My LFS is also at a loss for what is happening.


Do you have a cat? a buddy of mine kept having the same problem till he caught his cat sitting on top of his light fixture pulling out his purple tang


Do you have a FO or FOWLR tank? Your nitrates being at 20ppm should not be a problem for your little guys, so you dont have to worry about that. Hope you can figure it out! That would drive me nuts!


Active Member
Do you have any anemones in the tank? The missing fish that you listed, do not easily disappear. Something is going on here. I'm liking the cat theory.


New Member
I'm pretty sure our ghost shrimp had a tasty meal of rusty pygmy angelfish the other day. The same thing happened with us, no ammonia spike, and fish simply disappeared.


Active Member
CBS have been known to be killers also. They are generally safe but there is always a killer in a bunch. I eventually want to get a 280+ gallon and im terrified that something may sneak in and be a killer. My guess is that you have a hitchhiker that is doing it. When it comes to that the possibilities are endless.


Active Member
i know the feeling. i am having the same thing.. had a flame angel dissappear today. 2 days ago was a clown. i know the feeling. its frustrating.
i havent figured it out yet my self..


New Member
Just because something is "reef safe" doesn't mean no specimens will eat your fish. Of what you have in your tank, I have heard of Coral Banded, Green coral crabs, and hermits eating fish. You'd have to witness the act to know which one it is, and it's probably happening at night.


Active Member
I would blame the CBS before the peppermints. I think it's due tiem for a night time watch. Turn off you lights for the night and get a flashlight, and try to cover it with some type of red filter. Look at night and see what you find. Be on the lookout of Xanthid crabs, gorilla crabs, teddy bear crabs, and mantis shrimp.


Active Member
Since there's no response from the OP here in over 24 hrs....I'd say blame the cleaning lady and her vacuum cleaner....

Maybe she wanted to have some Sushi to take home....


New Member
Well I took out my CBS this past weekend, and so far no disapperaing fish so far. Thanks fo rall the great advice..and yes I looked in all the usual places for them as well.