Fish Dissappearing NEED HELP !!!!!!!!



This is the second time I've lost a fish overnight with no trace. Yesterday I added a Yellow Coris, all was fine except for a little aggrevation from a damsel I've had for years. At present I have a Black & White Percula, Royal Gramma, Percula Clown, Yellow Bubble Anomone, White Sebas Anomone, Feather Duster, Green Open Brain, Zoos, and a couple of Starfish for cleaning purpose.
All was fine at when the lights went off, and at midnight when I checked the tank. At 7am when the lights came on the Yellow Coris was missing. This has happend before with my first Black & White Percula which I had for 2 years.(2.5 inches) At that time all i had in the tank was the fish and my live rock & clean up crew(snails & hermits).
I can't figure out what going on, as there is no trace of the fish. I hoping someone out there can HELP.


One's small and red with tiny black spots and the other two are gray and white and sligtly fuzzy. I've only had them about a month, and I lost my Black & White Percula about 10 mths ago.
The only thing I've seen them do is burrow in my crushed corral & occasionally climb up the side of my tank.


FALSE ALARM.................
Guess who decided to show them self 2 12 hours later.
And I was just about to tear the tank apart to see if I could figure out what happened.:cheer:



Originally posted by nuffspeed1
and a couple of Starfish for cleaning purpose.

Starfish are not cleaners. Ask Ophiura to fill you in.
The exception may be brittle stars as they seem a lot hardier. I have had mine for a couple of years now,a nd although I do feed them every couple of days, they seem to find food on their own.


I have added fish that I didn't see for weeks then all the sudden the appear. I had 4 fire fish 3 jump out comitting suiside the hte last one was no where to be found for like a month or so then he came back out. Fish can be wierd:thinking:


coris wrasse's are very lazy. My red corris was the first to go to slepp and the last to wake up. Normally the lights were on for atleast an hour before he would show his face.

jam marine

hi the corris wrasse are extremly lazy,sometimes they will come out from their sleep hours after the lights are on,they usually bury themselves in the sand or stay underneath brain corals


if you have a brittle star it is most likely them becaus eeven if you feed them on their own they will still eat other fish when hungry.


Active Member
Not all brittlestars are known predators - not all will eat your fish. Please don't hype this "story."
The green brittlestars is a KNOWN predator in the wild. Will it do this in captivity for sure? No. Is it possible? Absolutely yes.
Do all brittlestars do this? No.
Will the "clean up" a dead or dying fish? You bet.
Should they be spot fed? Yes.
I guarantee a lot of "stories" of them catching fish (especially outrageous claims like "brittlestar ate my triggerfish") are cases where they are cleaning up a body and not killing it.
I have green brittlestars that are extremely aggressive...I have others that I have to almost force food too to get them to eat. Not all brittlestars are killers. :rolleyes:



Originally posted by ophiura
I have green brittlestars that are extremely aggressive...I have others that I have to almost force food too to get them to eat. Not all brittlestars are killers. :rolleyes:

ditto. I love mine and have never seen them be agggressive. I to have to sometimes force feed the little guy. I agreee that they are falsly blamed for deaths, since they are probably seen "eating the dead"


Active Member
Yeah, I mean, there is no doubt about the greens. No doubt. Definitely a possible predator. But not all brittlestars are. We want them in there to clean, and then blame them when they are caught with the body. And in many cases we blame them because we can't imagine that something in our care DIED. No, it must have been happy and healthy and been killed.
There is a risk with almost any animal we keep. I can find loads of threads on various shrimp, crabs, etc that people think are reef safe that cause trouble. It is just a risk in the hobby, but not a reason to denounce all crabs or shrimp. Personality varies, tanks vary...but you take a calculated risk when you get into this hobby that you may be feeding something a $30 meal.