Fish Do Feel Pain


I had read that a little while ago. It just doesn't seem logical to me for some reason. I can believe fish and other animals react instinctively to avoid discomfort.....when they're hungry they eat, kind of reaction.....but I just can't buy that they feel pain the way humans do.
If true this could open up whole new avenues for some litigators. Imagine the company that is found guilty of poluting a stream. In addition to paying fines to the EPA, now there's a class action law suit for the "Pain and Suffering" that they caused to the dead fish:rolleyes:


All I can say is cool, there are 3 threads on this matter so far and I do believe thats a good thing, We're always talking about stress-free enviorments and stuff:D
BTW, I believe these threads are a god-sent gift because just before this I got slammed on the subject by people who were sure fish do not feel pain:eek:


Tigerlover, of many studies, this is the first I know of that makes this claim. I wouldn't bank it yet.
On a side note, judging by the way the many fish I've caught, cleaned and fileted have reacted, I would say they do feel some pain, but definitely not the level we do. I would say they are more sensitive to pressure than they are to something like a cut or a stab. In addition I doubt they can correlate whatever feeling they do have to injury or harm.
Whatever it turns out to be, I'll still be fishing, cleaning, filleting and eating 'em. They are too tasty to let die from old age:D .
Hmmm, pass the lemon and give me a beer...