Fish don't like my tank


Active Member

Originally posted by Tina
netting can be dangerous if care isnt takin in the process. you can scratch their eyes and find something else to make fun of lionfish12 for.....
for example:
"When did i get a wrassle?"

Well unless your being purposefully neglectful that is absurd, secondly still posing the question what alternative is there that is safer to use?


Active Member

Originally posted by msd2
Well unless your being purposefully neglectful that is absurd, secondly still posing the question what alternative is there that is safer to use?

I wanna know how to catch my fish without a net too.
I'm always up for safer, better ideas!


Staff member
lionfish, you are not in a position to advise others about what size tank tangs should be in. You are not the tang police. You may want to consider that your time here could well be in jepordy if you keep harassing others with these types of comments. You are new to the saltwater hobby. Thus, your advise should be limited to NONE, and your time here would be best spend reading, studying and posting threads [not hijacking other threads] with reasonable questions.
Please stop and consider. :thinking:


I agree with Beth.
Lionfish12, please consider your place in the community here at SWF. You have been inviting abuse and negitivity and more and more posters are complaining.
I encourage you to post and learn, research and have fun, but please stick to the issue of the post and try not to get sidetracked all the time.
Think before you post.


I just said if you don't precautions to be careful and gentle. There are other ways, but would take a lot longer...
"Avoid using a net and herd them into a plastic bag or container to move them." (Terry Bartelme)
Who remembers this guy?