I hope some one can help me! I have a 100 gal. tank that has been up and running for about 6 months now. The problem is that my fish keep dying on me. They all die the same way. They stop eating, then they become very timmid and hide and die in 2 to 3 days. This has happened to 5 fish and I dont know what to do. My water quality is good, the tank temp is 78 and there are no signs of stress, the fish have nothing on them such as ich, and I just lost my wrasse last night and I have had him in the tank for about 4 months. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
The fish look great. No leasions, color looks good. It is a fish only tank. I have stopped adding fish until I can figure out what is going on. It is starting to get really expensive! Any ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !
First thing you should do is a series of water "tests" and then post current readings ...
Looking for actual numbers on Ammonia, NitrIte, NitrAte, pH and Salinity or Specific Gravity...
do you have good surface movement or any means of oxygenation? Rapid breathing and shyness are common of lack of oxygen. unlikely any disease thats killing this fast.
I 2nd squidd's comment, we need some details on water parameters.