Fish dying without reason


Hey our tank was doing amazing.
in it we had
2 firefish
1 hippo tang (baby)
1 clarkii clown
1 blue devil
1 coral banded shrimp
2 hermits
1 snail
The water was perfect, and then our hippo got ich. Next we know one of the firefish was dead. We went out and bought ich treatment. This morning we woke up to find our blue devil dead. This fish was doing so well too, he was our first fish along with the clown and he died out of nowhere. We tested the water again and all of the sudden nothing is right. PH is down to 7.8 and everything thing else is up. Is it the medicine doing this? If it is should we stop it...the other fire fish doesnt look like hes doing well, and the hippo keeps hiding in the back, not like usual. Ahhh someone help save our fish


Good Morning
I have a couple of question for you fist
Is this a reef or Non Reef Tank?
what is you solienity level in you tank?
Did you treat the fish in your tank for Ich?
how long is the tank running?
When is the last time you added a fish and where did you buy it and was it eating when you bought the fish?
Did any one put anything in the tank you did not know about?


Non reef tank
We are currently treating the fish with ich, and it is working very well for the tang
The tan has been running for about 2-3 months
The last fish we bought were the firefish and that was aboooout 5 days ago maybe a week and they were eating right away. We bought them from *****
We came home one night to find the fish flake open so we think Pauls moms friends kids might have fed the fish and maybe got something else in the tank, they are only 4 yrs old.
And i dont know the solienity level of the tank


This is what I would do. Finish treating your fish for ich.
Be very careful about buying fish at *****. Your might be better off going to a LFS where you know the fish are better taken care of. Alwasys ask them to feed the fish before you buy them. Ask the sales person to catch the fish in a container not a net. Try to limit the amount of stress on the fish for the first couple of day when you place a new fish in your tank. I usaly keep the lights out for the first 24 hours. If possiable set up a small 30 gallon QT tank. Place your fish in the QT tank for 2 weeks before adding them to your main tank. This way if a fish has ich you can treat the fish easyer. Last but not least buy a couple of cleaner shrimp for your tank.
Dont let no one feed your fish but you.
Keep kids away from your tank. They cause the most problems with saltwater tanks.
This is a non reef tank so I would get something at a LFS to start testing your solienity. I would shoot for 1.021 to 1.018


Thanks, our lfs doesnt have many fish...last time we went there were 3 fish (out of around 10) dead, for no reason so I dont know about that. Other than that, ***** is our closest one. I don't want to buy fish from there anymore, I heard when they don't sell their animals, they kill them.
We are getting a tank made, pretty big one too soon. Right now we have a 35 gallon, and I know hippo tangs are supposed to be in min. 75 ( i think) but we are upgrading, and right now our tang is extremely small.(around 1 1/2 inches i guess)
Anyways, can cleaner shrimp go in a tank that size with 2 hermit crabs + coral banded shrimp?


Staff member
PaulnLex, take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this fourm and the posts on hyposalinity and ich. Hyposalinity is the best choice for treatment. The procedure is outlined in the FAQ Thread and must be followed exactly. If you have Live Rock, you can do this procedure in your main tank. If you have stickly a FO, then the procedure is perfectly safe.


Actually we've been using Kordon's Prevent Ich Medicine for about 5 days. Our tang is looking really good, all the ich on him is gone. With this stuff, we were able to put it in the main tank, with live rock, live sand, and inverts. Everything is doing really good.