Fish dying!


Boy do I need help. I had a 75 gal SW tank for over 8 months with no trouble-then in Nov I got a 125 gal tank, I switched over all my LS-LR and most of the water out of the 75. At that time I added sand from Home Depot to get a deeper sand bed. I placed the added sand on the bottom and placed the LS on top. LSF told me I could place the fish I had in the 75 gal into the 125. (Since finding this site I know I should not have done that) and the fish seemed fine. Water tested fine until now. All of a sudden I have a HUGE ammonia spike. (color on test is so dark green it is darker that the highest reading on the test chart.) I had a PBT that I lost a couple of weeks ago and now the rest of my fish are swimming upside down and some are laying on the bottom of the tank. I have done 2 back to back 25% water changes and used Ammonia Lock 2. I have taken the fox face-yellow tang-green manadrin and clown out of main tank and placed into a QT. I added maycin 2 into the tank and fish are still alive but not looking good. They will not eat. Will I lose them or do I have a chance of saving them? What would cause the HUGE ammonia spike at this time. I did not added any new fish. I did add proper PH 8.2 because my PH runs high, and I added Kick Ich because I thought that the PBT might have had ick. I can't find anything dead still in there. What should I do at this point. Should I empty the tank and try to start again-or will the water I have settle down and be ok? How long will the ammonia stay high? The nitrite is at zero-the nitrate is at 10-PH still high at 8.4-8.8-SG 1.024-temp-82. How long will it take before I can add the fish back into the tank if they do live? I know I have to wait until the ammonia level is zero. If I have to empty the water will I still be able to use the LR LS I have now. Boy did I learn the hard way how not to do a tank! I thought that I was doing ok since I ddn't have trouble with the 75 gal. Guess I was just lucky! Wish I would have found this site a long time ago-but I really need help as to what I should do now.


I agree with you that the LSF was WRONG-but would it take for Nov 16 til now for the ammonia to spike like this? Do you know how long it will stay up like this and should I start all over agin with my water or wait?


New Member
Did you rinse the home depot sand really good? it will run your ph really high for a long time the ph changes could cause fish death. the high ph could also kill live rock and live sand thus explaining high amonia levels, did your live rock start growing white spots on them? To fix the problem I would run all filters, do water changes (up to 30%) every 2 weeks monitering the ph and amonia levels
Question 2, going from a 75 to a 125 is doubleing the work load of the filters. What is your filtration?


Active Member
The LFS was definitely wrong, however, it sounds like the high ammonia is from the dead fish. With cycled LR and LS, the cycle should have completed before now. As far as rinsing the sand, the dust is a good thing, JMEO. and should not be causing your high PH reading.
Something else is wrong here.How is your Alk and Calcium?
Was it ick?? if so, this could have caused the other problems. PBTs are not easy to keep to start with and if it had ick, well then you can expect a chain reaction, more fish deaths, which inevitably could result in another ammonia spike. You actually should have had a spike, when moving the LR and sand bed. LONG before now. But it probably would have passed very fast, considering you used established sand and rock.
What tester are you using?


I am using an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Liquid test kit. I got new filters with the 125. I am using two emperpr 400-one prism protein skimmer and one Aqua-tech 170 gph power head.


I rinsed the sand well and the water never got cloudy so I don't think dust is the problem. Will I lose these fish to ammonia posioning or do they have a chance?


Active Member
there is always a chance that you can save them, but right now it is anybody's guess. Hang in there, if they do survive you will be that much better and stronger, but be prepared because from waht you say it does not sound promising(however I would never give up until it is over, personally)
the sand would not have created a problem other than cloudiness and maybe a small cycle(which should have started long before now) nayway so do not sweat that.
did you recently replace all your filters? this too will cause a spike often. It is best to not have filters(conventional types that is)


I put the new filters in when I first set up the 125 tank. I did not change anything since then. Just checked my QT and the yellow tang is looking and swimming better-the fox face seems fine. The clown is still on his side but is trying to stay upright and seems to be staying up right for a little longer. The cardinal is totally up side down and on his side but still breathing. I am so mad at myself for doing this to them. It makes me sick each time one of them dies. Is there any way to clear the ammonia out of the tank? If I do a complete water change will I go through another ammonia spike? Will it be like cycling again? Will it take another 3-4 weeks? I can't leave all my fish that are left into the QT tank I have. It is way to small. Boy do I need help!


I just finished checking for anything else dead in my tank and found 2 flame scallops that were dead and STINKING to high heaven. Don't know if they died because of some other problems or caused the problems to happen. I got them out. Now what? Will my ammonia level go down now or do I need to do another water change or should I just start again? I really need help with this!!!!


Active Member
The best thing to do, is if there is no inhabitants, ride it out. If you have plenty of LR and a good sand bed, it should re-establish itself fairly rapidly. it is possible that the scallops are part fo the problem, however it is more likely that they are the reason for the spike(after the fact).
It may seem cramped, but it is probably better for them in there than in your tank. IMO, I would wait and NOT do a completel water change. Wait a couple of days and it should come down, then do a 25-33% change before re-adding them.


Active Member
Sounds like your bigger tank cycled...and killed a few things...and built lethal doses of amonia/nitrite...then started killing everything else...
Good luck to you and your fish.


MLT, I would wait a couple of weeks and do some good tests on the water. A few water changes would help, but don't do a complete water change. That will only cause more die off on your lR and LS. Sorry to hear this problem. It is no fun loosing fish that you have had for a while.
I don't really have any answers for you as far as the amonia spike but I imagine that it had something to do with the first fish dying. Also if I am understanding you correctly, you started with brand new filters on the 125, is that correct? If so, you should have used some of the bio media from your other filters to help seed your new ones. But with all the LR and LS you had, I agree with everyone else who said that your cycle should be over by now. Stick with it and keep us updated. Sorry once again.


Update-I have lost 4 fish so far-LSF took back the last two fish I got from them for store credit. I still have four in my QT. I was shocked because when I took them back the kid just dumped them into a tank-no acclaimation time. If this is the way they treated the fish I brought back-I wonder how they take care of the fish they get in! Guess I will use the credit for dry goods and try and find another LFS! Not many in this area.
I have learned to QT any new fish I get regardless what any LFS tells me! I am still hoping that the remaining 4 fish will make it, they are still hanging in there. The funny thing is my CBS-clearner shrimp and 2 peppermints seem to be ok. (atleast they did this morning I am still at work and biting at the bit to get home and check) I did get some detox 2 chips to put in my filters and some nitromax (bateria) to put in the water. I was told this should start to improve my water in about three days. I am also running my skimmer full blast and since there isn't anything to hurt in the tank I turned my power head up. Guess I just have to take my loss and make it into a learning experience as much as it hurts. With all that has happenedI am short on $ but went to the local library and am getting all the books they have on Marine Aquariums and will read-read-read for the next few weeks! Atleast I can look at their pictures instead of staring at an empty tank!