Fish Eating Anemone


Okay here is my problem. I bought a Sebae anemone at least that is what the LFS guy told me he was. I looked him up and the picture looks just like him. My problem is he keeps eating my fish. My small cardinals to be exact. Is this normal? How can I keep my fish from getting to close to the anemone so they don't meet their demise? Has anyone ever experienced this? Oh yeah, after he eats one of the fish he starts to purge a big gob of goo and it looks like his insides are coming out. So whats up with this guy? Any help would be appreciated. Will this goo pollute my tank? I netted most of it out but some is to small to net up.
Yes this is normal. They are not worth to have in my opinion. I'm not an expert but I think you need to take it back, if you really don't want to keep this from happening. They sting and kill their prey, and being able to move (I think you have one of the moving ones) makes it MUCH easier for them to kill everything.


Thanks so much for your help. I have been on some past threads trying to figure this situation out and think you are so very right. I hope my local LFS will take him back. They are pretty sketchy about any returns. I really try not to buy anything from them. I went in to buy some worms and low and behold there was this beautiful anemone. Impulse buy, ya know. I sure got myself into trouble this time. I loved my little cardinals. I really appreciate your replying to my message. Thanks peg