Fish Eating Machine


This is our Tesselata started out about 16" long now about 26". Great eel but he likes to eat(large v.lion, med fuzzy dwarf lion, med niger, sml humu, 4 damsels, butterfly tang, coral beauty and a barracuda) and attack others(killed a med size snowflake and a Golden Rod Puffer we called Chris Rock about 9" brown with some yellow on his belly, he got the name because his teeth). But he has lived with the current fish for about 4 months(we started getting bigger tankmates).


Active Member
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had a snowflake in a tank with a v-tailed grouper, blue headed wrasse, and niger trigger and my eel killed and ate all of them (with the exception of the trigger). I'm sorry to hear about all of your losses though....


You better watch out! Your Tesslata might crawl out of tank one night, and consume you while you're sleeping.:D Vicious-looking eel with the matching temper!! But, gorgeous....indeed


if you look above at the overall tank size(72") from left to right and compare them with the eel pics you can see how big he really is


Active Member
Hes one mean looking MOFO! MAN hes big. So he ate a volitan eh? I guess im stunned:eek: I LOVE lions. Well, I guess Im not gonna get a tessy now for my tank. Maybe a nice snowflake or chainlink....


Yeah.. Beautiful Tessie, but I would wager he will eventually eat all your fish.
I want to get a species only tank with a Tessie someday.
I have enough problems right now with a tempremental Snowflake eel however.