fish experts only


can you please tell me the difference between a moorish idol and a heniouchus butterfly fish?? i have a 125 LR FO with an flagfinangel and a orangeshoulder which one of these 2 would do better in my tank?? thank you all kindly for your remarks :happy:


Active Member
They are totally different fish, with the Idol being a lone species in it's genus. They have an extremely poor survival record and is a fish that should probably not even be collected for the trade. The heni would be a better fish for your consideration. Relatively hardy, easy to feed, but still needs good water quality and no overly aggresive mates


Active Member
Well put "nicetry"
i have the heniouchus butterfly like all butterfly fish they need very good water quality, they prefer to be in groups and are the hardies of the butterflys and will pretty much eat anything but they are not reef freindly they can whip out a pod population in no time and will pick on the crowns of feather dusters, but overall the best fish i have


Active Member
Idols are extremely hard to keep alive and i would not recomend them to anyone but the best experts with the biggest tanks.


excellant question and excellant responses for those of us who are still trying to take in new info.
Thanks all!:happyfish


How big of a tank would you need for the butterfly? If I get a larger one would they be compatable with my clownfish and lionfish (will be eventually moved to a larger tank when big enough to feast on my clownfish). Also, how big do they get?


Active Member
You need a fairly large tank for the heniocus butterfly because they do MUCH BETTER in schools. You want to keep a small school of 3 to 5 of them (at least) in a tank and they will be a lot happier and live a lot better. Thus, a tank from 150-300 gallons for a school of them is preferred. You can keep them with a clown and lion but remember, you need a large tank (150 minimum). Also, remember, they will not tolerate nitrates, which are very likely in a tank with meat-eating fish such as a lion.
I would also tell no one to attempt to keep a Moorish Idol. By buying it from an LFS or online store, you are encouraging them to bring more in and that is the wrong message. They should not be kept in captivity.
Hope this helped.


I will be getting a 130 gallon. To small for 3 huh? I also totally understand what you are saying about nitrates. Since my lion will be in the 130. I don't know if that is such a great idea. My clown is in my 60 and that will be WAY too small for one. What a bummer.


Active Member
You could keep 3 heniocus, a lion, and a clown in a 130 but that is about it (maybe a few smaller fish that are not too small for the lion). You would just have to be extra careful to keep your tank clean and the nitrates down for the heniocus.


Active Member
Moorish Idols have poor survival rates. In order to keep need to buy a juvenile. THe supplier needs to get the fish eating right away. When you receive the fish once in your tank you need to get the fish eating withn a few hours. THey are very sensitive to slight fluctuations in water parameters...they must be constant. They are easily "spooked". Once spooked they will simply stop eating. Their thin like bodies mean they cannot survive long once they stop eating. You can have one and think it is doing great only to see it slip in a matter of hours and die.
They should be left in the the above is tough to maintain even for the experienced aquarist.