Fish Feeding while on Vacation


New Member
We are going on vacation for the weekend and wants to know what we feed our fish? Do they sell fish feeders at the store for saltwater fish? Any suggestions?


well what i do is wrap the amount of food i want to be fed into a ziplock bag and give the neighbor the feeding schedule. and i trust him so its not a big deal. this may not be a possibility for you though.
What do you have in the tank? Most likely, they could easily go the weekend w/o food. Usually 3-4 days is no problem. Also, you can get auto feeders at any fish store or on line store or even that auction site.


New Member
Depending on what kind of fish you have, you might be able to get a veggie clip and clip some sheets of algae for them to munch on. That way they can graze on food at any time! It also might be cheaper solution than a auto feeder. A weekend isn't too long of a time to be away, so I think you would be fine with the clip, or getting a neigbor to help. Hope that is helpful!