I am going out of town for a couple of days, and I was just wondering long long can fish go w/o eating. I have a 29gal mine reef,55gal FO, a 10gal fresh, and a 38galFOWLR. I just want to know would they be alright w/o food for awhile.
depends on the type of fish you keep but for the most part 2 or 3 days with no food will be no problem. I usually only feed my reefs 3 times a week so once a week they go two days without feeding.
29gal reef just one lawnmower blenny the rest inverts and corals, the 55gal 2 triggers humu/niger and a wrasse and the 38gal bi-color angel, damsels and 2 yellow gobys. 10gal fresh just a couple of tetras and danios.
When i go on vacation for 1-2 weeks, I just leave my fresh and salt Tanks alone. There have been absolutely no loss of fish in established tanks for 1 week absenses. And on a couple of times I was gone for two weeks with no loss of fish. All that happened was the tanks were a lot cleaner when I got back.
thanks 4 all the input, but i have one more ? the lights should I leave them on or off. I dont have a timer most of my lights consist of PC's and NO flour.
A few days without feeding would not be a serious problem....but going without light may be. I always have somebody come by to check my water levels and look things over when I'm away. Actually my father-in-law likes to care for my systems when we are gone. You could easily get a few timers to turn your lights on/off and try to find somebody you trust to top-off and check things once in a while.
Originally posted by JULIUS
thanks 4 all the input, but i have one more ? the lights should I leave them on or off. I dont have a timer most of my lights consist of PC's and NO flour.
I would put the lights on a timer.