Fish Fight!


I have a 125 gallon FOWLR....100lbs of LR.
I have a
4' niger trigger
3' coral beauty
2 clowns
1 yellow tailed damsel
small yellow wrasse
algea blenny.
I added the wrasse and blenny 2 weeks ago and the trigger did not bother them. Yesterday, I bought a 2-3' hippo tang. At first the trigger didnt bother it but as soon the hippo went to his side of the tank, trigger attacked him and the hippo wouldnt leave that side of the tank. I know the trigger would destroy him. I put a divider in my tank.....All the fish including the hippo are on one side (4 feet of space) and the trigger is by himself (2 feet). It is ok to leave it like this until I see if the hippo is going to be ok. He looks great now and is picking at the rocks and gets along well with the other fish. They are all just skitzy right now b.c of the way he moves, ect.
Advise you think if after a week if I put the divider down things will be ok or will the trigger be going back.
Is 4 feet enough space for the tang, coral beauty, 2 clowns, damsel


Active Member
Using the divider was a good idea and it may allow the fish to get used to each other, minimizing aggression. The only real test will be to remove the divider after a week or so and see what happens. If there is continued aggression, you may need to remove the trigger. IMO, the niger will not be a good community fish as it grows.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by MJordan23
Is 4 feet enough space for the tang, coral beauty, 2 clowns, damsel

Most likely not. Tanks usually require a cruising area of no less than 6 feet. But you could try it.


4 feet will be fine for a while. It's not like the divider is perminant. I would only leave it up for a few weeks though.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I would try moving your rocks/deco around and changing it then pulling the divider. Suddennly the puffer's territory is no longer his and that may stop the issue right away. anytime I add a fish to my tank, I have to rearrange or my guys that are territorial get irritated with the new comer.


its been almost two weeks and tonight I took the divider down. The trigger was even worse....I gave him like a good 20 mins but whenever someone went over to his side he freaked the end he bit my hippo tang and there is a bite mark near his stomach.....My hippo had been doing great.....eating tons of algea sheets ect......Should I be worried now....He seems ok now and I just fed him and he ate....The trigger now needs a new home....please advise


Originally Posted by MJordan23
its been almost two weeks and tonight I took the divider down. The trigger was even worse....I gave him like a good 20 mins but whenever someone went over to his side he freaked the end he bit my hippo tang and there is a bite mark near his stomach.....My hippo had been doing great.....eating tons of algea sheets ect......Should I be worried now....He seems ok now and I just fed him and he ate....The trigger now needs a new home....please advise
Do you have a qt tank ? I am guessing no or you would not have added the hippo in right away without quarantine. The trigger has to go if you want peace.