Fish!! Finally!


New Member
We finally have fishies

Tank never really cycled though we're not surprised based on the fact that our live rock was already in a established tank. We bought a T5 light (not sure name off hand has four bulbs, 2 white, 2 blue and a built in timer) as the lights we had were going to be useless for anything but fish added a koralia 3 pump to go with our #1 and ordered a octopus skimmer while we waited.
BUT tonight we went ahead and got our clowns, acclimated them slowly into the tank and less then a hour after they were in the tank, THEY ATE
. Anyway was excited and wanted to share, pics will be taken and loaded tomorrow as the lights have gone out for the night and I don't want to bother them.
Oh, my 18 month old daughter has dubbed them: Nice & Neat


Congrats... I remember how excited I was one I got my 1st fish just over year ago. They were clowns too