Fish floating on surface


Active Member
My wife loved the yellow tang. I'm planning on doing an order from this site for a replacement yellow tang (if they are in stock at the time; they're out now) and a royal gramma. I'll probably get up to the $75 minimum with a blood red shrimp and some cerith and nassarius snails. I'm also looking at getting an engineer goby (even though this site does not sell them; I'll have to go to a good but expensive LFS about 2 hours away) and some neon gobies. Eventually I'll probably get a starfish and some easy corals to fill in orders online. I've also got an order in to this site now for live sand to add to my display while there are no fish in it.
Now that I've got a quarantine tank and can only get 1-2 fish at a time, and only once a month, I've got lots of time to consider (as opposed to having the LFS guy sell me what he has in stock.) This hobby sure teaches patience! :)
You probably have an overuse injury in your elbow (related to tennis elbow) from all the water changes!:D


Active Member
My title just turned into a blue hippo tang!
I haven't seen that on the boards much. I was expecting to be a chevron tang somewhere around 150 posts.
I wonder if one of the moderators did that as I posted a facetious question last night about relative newbies being mandarins even though mandarins are usually recommended for more experienced hobbyists?


Active Member
You continue to make my problems seem minor!!:)
I have been busy so I've not been on the boards much. One of my partners is on vacation and our little hospital has been going through a busy time so I have had little free time. Hunting season has also started (I let a small forkhorn walk away today; hopefully he'll have a big rack next year :D ) so I'll be in the woods for a few days this coming week. We're just starting a blizzard and are expected to get 10-16 inches of snow!
Can you post a picture?
From what I recall from previous posts, Beth has usually recommended copper if hypo failed.
Why were you increasing salinity? Were you planning on putting the fish back in your display tank soon? The ich should have been gone but your other fish certainly haven't been healthy and the moderators seem to state that hypo actually puts less stress on the fish. I was assuming you would keep hypo until all your fish were healthy. Were you checking your salinity frequently with a refratometer? I was not expecting ich to reappear as it sounded like you were doing everything possible and that problem should have been cured. I'm now wondering how my fish will be? I'll start raising my salinity Tuesday (I had been toying with tomorrow which would have been just barely 21 days).
I saw you also posted in the disease forum. See what response you get. Best of Luck!