fish Food


I have two clowns and a clenner Wrasses and the only thing they eat is frozen brine shrimp "the cleaner will eat flakes" my question is, are they getting all the nutrition they need from this frozen food? or do I need to get some supplements vitamines and stuff like that "please list them" thank you all for your time


With just those fish I would say they are getting enough nutrition. How big's the tank and are those the only fish in there? TJ


Active Member
I would switch to mysis shrimp and soak your food in some kind of vitamin like Zoe. Mysis shrimp are much more nutritious then brine. I doubt brine and flake will be enough for you cleaner wrasse in the long run.


I must agree with Jimi. I fed my cleaner brine shrimp and he still died after two weeks and lost the second one to the yellow tails. How long have you had yours?


Staff member
If you look on the lable of most frozen foods, most of the "contents" is moisture! Now, my thinking is that our fish are getting enough "moisture" just by the mere fact that they are fish swiming in water! What do you think?
My fish were addicted to frozen foods too. Offer them other, more nutritious foods and lay off the frozen for a few days. When they get hungry enough, they'll start eating.