Fish for 100 g tank


I currently have a 100 g tank with a nasotang, purple tang, rock beauty angel, and 3 damsels. I am considering to add a flame angel and hippo tang. So far, all of the fish get along. Would these new additions be compatible, and if not, what else should I consider?

rto 29

Be careful puting the angels together, they sometimes have difficulty with similar species. I've heard that sometimes it's not to big of a deal as long as they haven't been in there for to long.
I'm relativly new, but I would definitly research the angels....

rto 29

Also as far as what else to consider check out fairy wrasses they are very colorful, and they tend to get along very well with tangs and angels, and they're pretty fun to watch too.....


i wouldnt add any more tangs 2 is more than enough for a 100 gal especially with the naso they should have a little bigger tank themselves. overcrowding a tank with tangs will end up with them fighting and killing each other. also its not a good idea to mix angels 1/tank is reccomended. your pretty close to your stocking limit as is i wouldnt add to much more if anything else


mostly size. a good rule to follow for salt is 1"/5 gall of water. overstocking can be bad news in a salt tank. also you have to consider those fish will grow and most salt fish will grow to their size and not to the size of the tank. the naso by it self will get about 18" along with the other fish. tangs need a lot of swimming room and should be put in a tank at least 4' long. IMO they shouldnt go in anything less than a 55 and that is just the smaller species the larger species i would not put 1 in less than 100 gall