Fish for 220 Gal FOWLR


OK. We are getting ready to take the plunge. We have been keeping our 75 gallon reef running very well for about 18 months now, and then it happened. We were gone for 2 days (left Saturday AM returned Sunday late PM) to find that our nice programmable thermistat went on the fritz, and essentially cooked the tank. :mad: A few snails made it, but everything (minus the rock and live sand) died... We wanted an excuse to upgrade to a large tank, and now we have it.
So, what fish would you keep in a nice 220 gallon tank? A couple of required fish are clownfish, a flame angel, imperor angel... No super agressive fish (triggers, etc). Also, nothing outrageously expensive since there will be a lot to stock up to.
Thanks dreamers!


I would consider a tang of some sort. I have a powder brown and he is very attractive and active. They are not a very hardy fish as they are prone to ich. Also a butterfly would be a good addition.


Big tanks rule - you got your small and big angel and you got your required clownfish so you gotta get a couple of tangs - a powder blue or brown would be nice - yes they are reportedly not as hardy but in a big tank like yours they will thrive. Hippos are cool. Red Sea Sailfins are way cool. Blond Naso would be nice. My favortie is the Naso Vlamengii - they do get BIG but are quite impressive. Good luck!


Active Member
A P.Blue or Sohal along w/ a yellow or purple tang get's my vote. Tangs are my favorite fish and this tank will house them well.


It is great seeing all of these ideas. We too like tangs. Before our tank got "cooked" we had a nice purple tang, yellow tang, and Pacific Blue tang (They actually got along just fine in the 75 gallon, but we knew that it was short term and once they got bigger we would have to move them into a larger tank)... Anyway, we like tangs. The P. Blue always seem (in our tank, in LFS tanks, everywhere) more skiddish than the rest, but they look nice.


Powder Blue Tang
Red Sea Tang
Austrialian Tusk Fish
Queen Angle
Chevron Tang
Sohal Tang
French Angle
Emprore Angle
5-7 Baggi Cardinal Fish
Flame Hawk Fish
Lawnmowwer Blenny
I would say with your size tank you could buy 5 to 6 of the larger fish i=on this list!
ED :p


Once your reef aquarium is established, and running well. I beg you get a male Mandarin Gobie, some call it a Dragonette Gobie(Synchiropus splendidus). They do excellent in well established reef aquariums. They remind me of slow hummingbirds, and they consist of 10 dramaticly bright colors. If you can find a female (she won't have an extended first dorsal fin) they will live quite well together. In an aquarium your size they may even mate on a regular basis. If you put it in before your aquarium is well established, then you will have to feed it live brineshrimp and/or rotifers. To musch for most, so wait a while. Fair very well and will die of starvation before anything else. Congrats on your new aquarium. SEE LIFE... "It's a beautiful world!"