fish for 37g


Active Member
they also effect the enviroment when looks are removed. they clean sooo many parasites off fish that the fish are getting infested without cleaners


I still haven't really gotten an answer regarding the chromis. I think I'd like to have a blue chromis, but no one has really said if they are ok when they're the only chromis in the tank. Anyone??


Well I just went to my trusty lfs and talked to my guy, he has a blue devil damsel in right now, but he says they're pretty aggressive so I didn't get it. He didn't have any yellow-tails or blue chromis left so I went ahead about the royal gramma because he actually had one in. I also bought 1 skunk cleaner shrimp. I think having the royal gramma will be fine, plenty of rocks to swim in and hide and I'm not getting any fish that looking anything remotely like him. So my plan is the royal gramma (obviously), 2 perc clowns, 1 eibli angel and then some blue fish. Still need suggestions on the blue one!!


great move not getting the blue devil, some good advice from the lfs. :rolleyes: You seem like a very smart hobbiest doing your homework before getting fish, very smart. The gramma will probably be terrotorial so you will have a semi agressive tank, how big is the royal gramma? You should probably get fish that are larger than him for the 37 gallon if possibly IMAO, it would be easier for them to acclimate, "so they dont stumble into his territory".


Its hard to give advice on what fish you should buy and wheather or not you should get a blue reef chromis. I would think, not knowing your tank specs or sump size, that you could prob get away with two clowns and two blue chromis, but I think the chromis would do alot better with two. That would be 5 fish in a 37 gallon tank which is pushing it, but if the fish are small and you have plenty of LR it could work, you also have a 10 right in case there are problems. I have kept 5 fish in a 30 long but for only a couple of months. I would take it slow and ask some more experienced aquriast like bang guy viper or nmreef.


Active Member
I heard that the green and blue reef chromis should be kept in schools of odd numbers of 3 or more. I don think they get very big. with thoughs fish "with 3 chromis" that would be anywhere from 21 to 24 inches. With only 1 chormis it would be 15 to 18 inches. You are only allowed "if you follow the 1inch per 5 gallon rule" allowed 7.4 inches of fish. Just something to think about.


Somebody didn't read what I wrote.
This is what I am stocking my tank with:
1 royal gramma
2 percula clowns
1 eibli angel
The 10g is a freshwater, as is the 46g. Just not enough room in the profile to type that in for both tanks. The gramma is only an inch so I think I'll be fine when getting the other fish, plus there are TONS of hiding spaces, the gramma can't possibly claim them all. By the way, he acclimated fine along w/the shrimp, they're both having a blast. So I just need a blue fish. Just O-N-E. My tank will not be able to handle anything more than 5 fish, that's already pushing it. I think I might have to go w/the yellow-tail damsel unless someone has any other suggestions. .....?


Active Member
No I even figured with just one blue fish. With one blue fish "the smallest I have found is 3" "full grown" so with the fish you have and the blue one you will be considerably overstocked with the "1 to 5 gallon rule"


Active Member
Why do you want the eibli angle? It looks very plane and ugly to me. Why dont you replace it with the cherub angle it is almost all blue "excpet the throat that is orange" and it is small 3" full grown. Get that and forget about the blue fish and eibli "at least you wouldnt be that over stocked"


I agree with snipe. I don't think you are necassarily overstocking your tank though depeding on filtration, LR, Skimmer, etc. They yellow tail would work and generally they stay very small. Although IMAO the yellow tail and royal gramma could pick on your clowns. My yellow tail is the king of my 55 tank :eek: guess thats why so many people say stay away from damsels.