Fish for 60 Gallon Saltwater Aquarium


I saw a yellow tang at the lfs the other day and it looks soooo good. I want one so bad. Are you sure it'll be too much for the tank. Because other people put those in similar sized tanks.


Well-Known Member
A 60 isnt long enough for a yellow. If your set on a tang look at the kole tang. There smaller and are a grazer, not the speed swimmer like a yellow. Also a fox would prob get too big aswell, mine is a monster


Ok here's going to be my fish list:
2 ocellaris clownfish
1 bluefin damsel
1 flame angel
1 purple firefish
1 mandarin goby(in a year or so)
1 yellow tang(I'm going to move it when it becomes too big)
1 royal gramma
Also 1 skunk cleaner shrimp and some more hermits and snails
I'll also get corals in like 6 months
I'm also not sure if I should get a cleaner wrasse
I might change it if it's necessary
I did quite a bit of research on all these fish
Please tell me anything I should change


Well-Known Member
Forget the cleaner wrasse - it is one of those fish best left in the ocean. They generally starve to death in captivity because they are obligate parasitovores, meaning that they must eat parasites to survive. You had better not have sufficient parasites in your tank to keep them alive!


Well-Known Member
Pep shrimp are cleaner shrimp aswell, and much cheaper. The blood and skunk cleaners are just more eye appealing