fish for a 10


Are you sure you want to keep a ten gallon aquarium? Just keep in mind that the water will change faster than in a larger tank and you will need to do water changes at least every week. For fish, maybe a clown goby and something else that doesn't get too big, maybe a royal gramma. Have lots of live rock though to stabilize the tank and to keep the fish happy. I kept a twenty gallon and have moved up to a 37, my fish are much happier and its easier to maintain.


Are you sure you want to keep a ten gallon aquarium? Just keep in mind that the water will change faster than in a larger tank and you will need to do water changes at least every week. For fish, maybe a clown goby and something else that doesn't get too big, maybe a royal gramma. Have lots of live rock though to stabilize the tank and to keep the fish happy. I kept a twenty gallon and have moved up to a 37, my fish are much happier and its easier to maintain.


Are you sure you want to keep a ten gallon aquarium? Just keep in mind that the water will change faster than in a larger tank and you will need to do water changes at least every week. For fish, maybe a clown goby and something else that doesn't get too big, maybe a royal gramma. Have lots of live rock though to stabilize the tank and to keep the fish happy. I kept a twenty gallon and have moved up to a 37, my fish are much happier and its easier to maintain.


i have a blue eyed cardinal (i take the ones that get picked on from my school in my sps tank and put in them in the 10g) a few pipe fish around 7 inches and soon to have 5 dwarf sea horses.......along with a bunch of corals and macro algae.......and i only run my skimmer every few weeks for a day or so....